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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 65

Regarding the controversy on the Internet about Wen Ci's swimming, Xinan has asked the team to unify their stance and basically stated that the photo was of Wen Ci who worked hard to learn to swim with the company of his family two years ago, but the effect was not good. Now he suddenly fell into the water in a strange environment and panicked. The instinct is to struggle, so there is no such thing as a deliberate performance.

 Xinan even asked the team to send a lawyer's letter to warn some netizens who speculated that Wenci was maliciously making false accusations. On the other hand, they were busy doing positive publicity for Wenci.

 This explanation is a matter of opinion, and whether you believe it or not is entirely up to the netizens' own judgment. However, the written explanation is far less convincing than the photo evidence. Therefore, after the commotion, netizens generally expressed distrust of Wenci and Wenci's team.

 So when he received Han Shaoyang's call, Wen Ci knew what Han Shaoyang wanted to question.

 He told Han Shaoyang at the hospital in City T that he was thrown into the water by the boat because his seat belt was suddenly loosened. If the program team had not rescued him in time, he would have drowned in the water... It was precisely because his life was at stake, Han Shaoyang Only then did he agree to let Mo Ming come and apologize to him.

 But at this moment... Han Shaofang had obviously begun to doubt every word he said.

 Especially this kind of cold questioning made him feel chilly.

 "I didn't lie." Wen Ci said, "Just because I remembered some things wrong, will Brother Han doubt me like those people on the Internet?" He knew very well that

 this was like a balanced tug of war, and there was no There is no way to get to the bottom of the details. Anyone's judgment on this matter is based on their own selfishness. If Han Shaofang still has even a little bit of feelings for him, he should believe his own explanation.

 Han Shaoyang has been like this for three years. He has always supported him unconditionally, regardless of right or wrong.

 "If Brother Han has begun to protect Mo Ming in his heart, then it's useless for me to say anything now." Wen Ci's voice was slightly choked, "Obviously I didn't even get an apology, and now the whole world is blaming me, even those who once swore to protect me I have been interrogated like a prisoner all my life."

 Han Shaofang did not speak.

 Wen Ci's voice sobbed: "I have always regarded the whole thing as an accident. I never thought it was Mo Ming who harmed me intentionally. Now that it happened, I didn't say anything about him in front of Brother Han, right?" "

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