The Third Hour

836 44 36

Prompt: Feliz Navidad

"Now, remember speed limits are there for a reason."

"Yes, Sir."


"And you need to load her up with diesel, not petrol. You should get a good amount of kilometres before she needs a top up."

"I've got it, Sir, diesel not petrol."

"Seriously, papa?"

"And amber lights mean slow down not speed up! Regardless of what my daughter might say."

"Dad!" Marinette shouted, her hands covering her face as Adrien laughed in her general direction.

"Oh, come on Marinette, he just wants to check that his baby is going to be okay," Sabine said, handing a cardboard holder to Marinette complete with two peppermint hot chocolates; extra cream and marshmallows.

"I'm going to be fine — Adrien drives like an old granny."

"Hey!" The blond replied in mortification, turning his attention away from her father and back to Marinette. "You know full well your Nonna wouldn't be impressed by that comment."

Sabine started to laugh, placing a hand on Marinette's shoulder and giving it a quick squeeze.

"Oh, sweetheart, your papa doesn't mean you," Sabine responded, "he means the van."

Marinette turned back to her father just in time to see the big guy cuddling the hood of the van, nuzzling his cheek into the cold icy metal. She turned to Adrien, her mouth pulled straight and eyes apologetic; her parents were not doing well for her street cred with him. He wouldn't ever want to marry into a family of car huggers.

"Have you called your father, dear? Is he okay with driving the van? I don't want to cause any issues." Sabine turned her attention to Adrien, obviously realising Marinette was embarrassed enough.

Marinette knew as well as her mother that Adrien hadn't even bothered to speak to his father, instead he had spent the time since they'd arrived at the bakery eating the merchandise and complaining about her heels — which there was absolutely nothing wrong with.

Adrien stretched up to rub the back of his neck, his gaze directed to Marinette's as he answered Sabine's question. "Yep he's fine with it; absolutely Hunky Dory!"

Marinette snorted, almost dropping the drink tray as she removed the cups and placed them in the centre hold. Adrien's eyes narrowed, Marinette shrugging nonchalantly as she held back a second snort. "Hunky Dory," she whispered to herself.

Sometimes he was a dictionary of weird sayings, almost equivalent to Hugh Grant in Notting Hill. She was now on standby ready for 'Oopsie Daisy' to leave his lips, though she could help the thought of that gem coming from him all suited and booted falling over on the ice as it escaped his lips. It would be so Chat Noir to say such a curious expression.

She finished placing the cups in their holds and turned back to her Maman, taking the smaller woman in her arms and kissing her cheek. "I'll call you when we get there."

Seating herself back in the chair, Marinette took the seat belt and fastened it, Adrien following mere seconds later.

As Sabine moved away, closing the door, both Adrien and Marinette turned their attention back to Tom who had remained firmly connected against the hood, it was like some sort of old fashioned romance movie.

They laughed together as Sabine manhandled her husband off the van and into the bakery, the bigger guy reaching to his car in the way a toddler would their mother — Marinette thought she was embarrassed before, well, that had nothing on this.

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