The Tenth Hour

598 38 12

Prompt: True Love

Adrien moved into the bathroom of Granny's hotel room, another selection of clothing slung over his arm and ready to be tried on. He had no idea why she was making him check everything she had, he thought after the first shirt fit perfectly she'd be sending him on his merry way.

He was now on his seventh pair of trousers, twelfth top and fourteenth pair of boxers (boxers he refused — politely — to model for her). She was relentless and stubborn, and he couldn't help but find it intriguing. His thoughts wondered what she was like back in her youth. The playful smiles and gestures only added to the curiosity that was building up about this woman.

"How's the fit, my love?"

Her voice sounded through the door as he was half way to pulling his jeans up again. Every single piece of clothing wasn't only to his taste but it also fit like a glove. It was as if the clothing had been created especially for him, even down to the roll up sleeves he loved so much. He hadn't had much chance to wear such styles due to his fathers demanding ways, which was a shame really, he most certainly made it look good.

"It's another perfect fit," he announced, fastening the jeans around his waist. They hung exactly as he liked, clinging to certain *cough* assets in the most fashionable of ways. He turned in the mirror examining himself. With every item he couldn't help but think Marinette was going to be wowed by it, only for the next one to be even better. He couldn't wait to wear them, giving her a view she hopefully couldn't refuse.

"Fantastic. Come and show me young man."

Adrien looked to the doorway, wishing more than ever he had Plagg with him. It wasn't that the old woman was someone to worry about, but the whole situation just seemed strange. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on, she was old enough to be his grandparent, but some of the looks she gave him put him on edge a little.

Giving himself one last check over, he walked towards the door and out into the main room. Granny sat at the small dining table, one leg crossed over the other and a cup of tea in her hands. She was an elegant lady, and he guessed her and her husband had made some rather attractive children; he had to give the older guy his dues, he was sure Granny was a fireball back in the day.

"Oh, that's my favourite outfit." She stood up and made her way over to him, brushing her hands over the back of his shoulders and down his sides.

She'd done this with every outfit and he couldn't help but wonder if she was just feeling his muscles, not that he was big headed enough to say he had muscles worth touching. It was just strange that's where her hands constantly aimed for.

"I like it," Adrien said, turning his head to the full length mirror on the side of the room. He was currently in dark blue jeans with a black shirt rolled to just under his elbows, along with a white tee sitting underneath.

"You remind me of my husband," she laughed, moving to the bed and grabbing a pair of socks and some snow boots. "When we were younger, he'd always wear his shirts rolled up at the sleeves. He used to wear them high up on his arms, but as he got older they seemed to work their way down." Laughing, she handed the socks and boots to Adrien, moving him to the bed and pushing him down.

"Your husband seems to have good taste," Adrien said, lifting one foot up and onto the bed, threading his sock on his foot. They were knitted to perfection in the same blue as his favourite scarf... his scarf he was almost positive Nino would be snuggling up in right now.

"Well, he married me didn't he." She dropped him a wink, Adrien chuckling as he changed his feet over and threaded on the other sock.

Wiggling his toes, he was thrilled by the soft, cushiony feeling of the wool. Oh, yes! These were special.

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