The Twenty-Second Hour

591 37 28

Prompt: Cosy Sweaters

Granny had pulled a fast one, not only had she given Marinette what looked like the most flattering clothing ever, but the underwear. Oh, goodness! Taking a few deep breaths he moved to the bed and began to remake it, adding the quilt back on top of the mattress and brushing it down.

He'd had the greatest night's sleep. Whether it was from the sheer exhaustion and panic of the previous day's events, or because he was cuddled next to the girl of his dreams he wasn't sure, but he was well rested and ready to take on the day. Although, he couldn't help but be baffled as to why she threw herself off the bed like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible — it was her idea to share the bed.

Operation: Get Marinette was a-go.

Finding his phone he pulled up Nino's number and dropped him a quick message asking for moral support. Today was going to be the day, he was going to make himself irresistible to Marinette. He was going to combine Chat Noir, Catwalker and Adrien Agreste to try and find the perfect combination for what she wanted.

Moving from the bed, he headed to where he'd replaced his clothes after taking them from Marinette. As he began to look through the many outfit choices he looked down to see Marinette's phone placed on the nightstand where he'd left it for her last night. He thought back to how he felt when he saw Luka's name appear. Yes, he'd been jealous of Luka in the past but he had to push past that. Luka and Marinette were good friends, and it's something he needed to accept and stop fretting over.

Marinette was single. He knew that. He also knew Luka had stepped back a little when it came to the heroine.

He turned his attention to the job at hand, finding the perfect clothing which would make Marinette see him as a desirable male. Someone to take home and introduce to her parents. Come to think of it that had already been covered but enough of that... Yes, he wanted her to fall for him, but he wasn't going to ignore the fact that he was a decent looking man and he also wouldn't deny he was going to use it to his advantage.

"Plagg, where are you little dude?" Adrien sighed, walking back to the bed with his new selection of clothing and laying it out. He missed the small kwami something rotten and he couldn't help but pray wherever his friend was he was safe and looking after Tikki. At least they were together.

A black tee, a thick knit grey cardigan and blue jeans was placed out on the bed. It was a nice little combination and one Granny had said to be 'swoon worthy' when he was modelling for her yesterday. He trusted the older lady, she seemed to know a thing or two about fashion and was very knowledgeable when it came down to it. He wasn't going to argue with her expertise.

He grabbed his boxers and a spare towel out of the wardrobe, and headed to the small ensuite complete with the world's tiniest shower cubicle. He had decided to make the shower quick, before heading out to the kitchen to make them both breakfast. If only he could find a rose somewhere to add to a well decorated and filled tray.

Turning on the shower, he stuck his hand underneath the spray feeling the temperature and checking whether it was suitable to step into. He wasn't sure if the cabin would have a decent supply of hot water, but with Marinette in the other bathroom, Adrien knew he needed to be quick, hoping that the water would last and that he could at least wash his hair. Reaching to the caddy in the cubicle, he noticed Marinette must have placed his shampoo there when she was putting their supplies away.

Adrien placed a rather generous amount of gel in his hand, lathering it into his hair, frothing the gel and massaging it into his scalp. As he was beginning to wash the shampoo out of his hair, he couldn't help but notice the temperature of the water begin to drop. Time to speed up his wash and get the main parts cleaned.

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