The Forty-Eighth Hour

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Prompt: Home

"Have we got everything?" Granny asked, looking through her handbag and double checking her valuables were all there.

Purse. Check.

Phone. Check.

Secret potion for a sick kwami in a thermos. Check.

"I believe we have," Gramps replied, walking up to his wife and wrapping his arms around her, squeezing her into a tight hug and making her giggle.

"Now you know, M. Agreste, if you start that we'll never get out of here."

Straining her neck to look up at him, her husband took the initiative to scoop her into his arms and lift her off the floor, allowing their lips to meet in a well rehearsed kiss. Even after so many years of marriage butterflies still assaulted her stomach when they kissed. She adored him.

"Well, Mrs Agreste, it's our wedding anniversary and I have to make the most of my free time with my wife."

"You could just retire, you know?" She kissed him once more, but this time on the nose, before he allowed her back down and onto the floor.

"I could, but I love my job too much."

Reaching up and stroking over his face, Marinette brushed the lipstick from his lips with her thumb, studying his face as she moved. He'd aged. They both had. But they didn't mean they had turned old and prune-like. Adrien had aged like a fine wine, getting better and better as each year passed – a fact she both loved and hated. He was always fast to reassure her through her meltdowns though, making sure that she knew he thought she was the most perfect woman in the world, and that no matter how much plastic surgery Lila Rossi put herself through, hell would have to freeze over for him to even give her a second look.

"I know you do," she responded, "the children are lucky to have you."

Adrien could have taken many career paths post-lycée, his results being the top in the region and his aspirations set on being a teacher, however, after everything that had happened with his father, and finally finding out the truth of who was behind the mask, Adrien reconsidered his options, and instead trained to be a child and youth psychologist.

It took him years to get the correct credentials, plus the experience to become an acclaimed psychologist, but at the age of 36 Adrien Agreste had finally opened his own clinic treating children from as young as 3 to 18. The business was very successful and had meant Adrien needed to hire more staff, however, his heart was always linked to working in the clinics himself, especially taking cases of youth who were or had experienced similar to himself.

He didn't need to work anymore, he hadn't needed to work since he quit modelling at 14, but his drive and determination created something magical and so worthwhile, and Marinette couldn't be prouder of her husband.

"I'm lucky to have a wife that's so amazingly understanding." Adrien leaned down again and kissed his wife's cheek before heading over to the suitcases and pulling them from the bed. He lifted them with ease, walking to the door and opening it for his wife; even after all these years he was still quite the gentleman.

Marinette stepped out into the corridor and looked around, this would be the last time they came here and it pulled hard at her heart strings. They'd been through a lot here, visiting as often as possible over time (and through it).

"What time is Ellie coming to take us back?" Adrien asked, pulling both their suitcases behind him as they headed down towards the stairwell.

Their granddaughter would be meeting them just outside the house ready to take them back home. It had been a wonderful anniversary gift, being able to venture back into the past and help themselves. Both had a lot of fun and fond memories as they relieved their own memories, right from the experience travelling here in 2022, to the snowball fight, and Marinette's flu. Not many people could say they had an effect on how their past selves finally got together.

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