Bonus: Adrinette - 48th Hour

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Okay, so the last chapter was meant to be the last chapter however I was persuaded to write the 48th Hour from Adrinette's pov.

I hope you enjoy and thank you all again for the amazing comments on this fic.

You're all amazing.


Adrien had hardly slept the night before and he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this tired. After putting Marinette to bed — coughing and spluttering — he'd been the attentive boyfriend and made her a warm drink and placed a box of tissues next to her on the bedside table. But the constant tossing and turning, and snoring, oh word, the snoring, kept him awake most of the night.

It wasn't until 3am when Plagg had come to him and threatened to leave cheese in his sock drawer if he didn't figure out a way to stop the freight train, that Adrien had found the medicine (with the help of Tikki) in the little white box. That wasn't all though. His face flushed once again as he remembered the smaller box he'd lifted out, quickly hiding it in the bedside table. Who knows if they'd been needing that anytime soon?

He was currently standing and staring out the window of the cabin, a hot tea in hands as he placed his phone back into his jeans pocket. He'd booked the cabin for another couple of nights, wanting to make sure Marinette was fit and well before moving on again. If the journey here was anything to go by, the one home would be awful. Maybe they could take a little detour to the small town they passed through two days ago... wow, two days... Adrien's eyebrows lifted as he considered everything that had happened in the past 48 hours.

He'd driven a van.

They'd been sent on a crazy detour.

Found the town of Hallmark dreams.

Stayed in a cute cabin at a bed and breakfast... alone... with Marinette.

They'd met Granny and Gramps. The same Granny and Gramps who were just stepping out of the main house and onto the veranda. They were laughing and joking, the perfect example of long lasting love. Lifting a hand, Adrien gave them a quick wave wondering if marinette would want to say her goodbyes too.

He turned his head and peered over his shoulder, his girlfriend was still fast asleep on the sofa. She hadn't wanted to be left alone in the bedroom, and it seemed the medicine she'd taken had caused severe drowsiness, so instead he carried her out of the bedroom and lay her on the sofa in front of the roaring fire (which he was now a pro at lighting) and covered her in the thick, fleecy Chat Noir blanket supplied by their new friends. A proud sort of possessiveness overpowering him from seeing her wrapped in his design.

She'd woken in the night, cold, and reached for the closest thing to her which, surprisingly, ended up being his Catwalker cardigan. Now there was a look. A mouthwatering, heart-quaking look. Yes, it was fair to say he was besotted with her.

Turning back to the window his eyes came into contact with Granny's, and he wasn't sure if it was because he'd just been looking at Marinette, but there was something oddly familiar about Granny, almost as if...

A gasp left his mouth as a portal opened behind the older couple and a bunny themed hero stepped out, one that wasn't Alix but more futuristic and...

Oh my God!

Granny winked at him before stepping through the portal with her husband, she was wrapped up in her coat and woollen hat, but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the boots. Boots which Adrien clearly recognised. The boots.

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