The Fifth Hour

603 41 14

Prompt: Decorated Streets

The sudden silence was deafening; only causing Marinette to replay Adrien's words time and time again. She needed to get him to strike up a conversation once more, or she was going to go insane.

'I could kiss you right now!'

She needed a distraction; something else to focus on. Marinette placed the two sleeping kwamis back into her bag and made sure they were tucked in, Plagg hugging onto Tikki and letting out intermittent purrs.

Happy with the kwamis position, Marinette placed the bag in the footwell once more, sitting up and looking through the windscreen at the build up of snow.

...And there it was again, as soon as she caught him in her peripheral vision her mind was replaying his last words to her.

He'd said he wanted to kiss her. Adrien wanted to kiss her. It's just a shame he had carried on talking after that. The words kicking her hard in the gut and dimming any hope she'd built in her mind.

'on the cheek of course. It would be really weird if we kissed on the lips... again, because it's not like we're a couple or anything, we're just friends.'

Oh, how she wanted to take that 'just friends' and shove it up his ass.

"Have I said something?" Adrien's voice sounded pained, and as angry as she was feeling — and confused — she couldn't take it out on him. Even if he didn't want her the way she wanted him it wouldn't be fair to be angry at him, he didn't owe her anything.

"No, of course not, I was just thinking about the others." The lie rolled off her tongue in a way she wasn't proud of. After so many years of lies and twisted truths, she could give Lila a run for her money.

"Yeah, I hope they're alright. Have you heard from Alya again at all?"

Marinette leaned forward to grab her phone, checking to see if any messages had sneaked through as their signal fluctuated with each kilometre.

"Nope, nothing. I'm going to guess that no news is good news though. Right?"

"Sure." Adrien flicked on the signal, following the path around to the right and, finally, into some sort of civilisation.

The next section of the road seemed to be scattered sporadically with houses. Each displaying sparkling lights ready for Christmas adding to the atmosphere and the snow surrounding them. The lights twisted and twirled around trees and hung from rooftops, the flickering lights the only illumination on the dark, winding road. It was beautiful and suddenly, just from a turn of a corner, Marinette felt like she'd entered some kind of Christmas movie.

The houses down the road leading into, what they suspected, was going to be the Main Street were frosted in the most beautiful and dazzling decorations. From reindeer in front gardens, to twinkling fairy lights in the trees, this place was nothing less than magical.

"Oh wow!"

Marinette looked over at Adrien, his face expressing the exact same elation as she felt. His eyes were wide and his body relaxed as he guided them slowly over the tire tracked roads of the snow covered streets. She understood what it meant now when people said some adults were like a kid at Christmas time, because that was exactly how her partner was behaving right now.

He was glowing, and for someone who was known as sunshine on Earth that was quite the skill. "You look so happy." The words came out without a second thought, her gaze on Adrien causing her to just spew out the words suddenly forming in her head – her Adrien filled head.

"I am," he said, continuing to follow the navigation system and turning down another house lined lane. The lights were gaining brightness, Marinette checking the directions and noticing they were getting closer and closer to the centre of this quiet and quaint little town. The town which, hopefully, housed their sanctuary.

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