The Ninth Hour

578 39 12

Prompt: Gingerbread House

Marinette backed against the door and closed her eyes. She was an idiot of the highest order. Adrien was going to kiss her. Adrien Agreste, the love of her life, was moving in to lock lips with her and all she did was mutter some nonsense once again and run out of the room. What was her problem?

"Come on Marinette, you can do this! Just walk back out there, grab him by those cute, luscious cheeks and kiss him until he passes out." She shook her shoulders up and down, walking backwards and forwards as she psyched herself up ready to finally kiss her partner. She just needed to exit the room and march towards him, full of determination.

Her hand reached out with a slight shake, grabbing the handle and wrenching the door open, moving quietly and slowly back into the main room of the cabin. The sound of Adrien's voice had her freezing only a couple of steps towards the room.

"I should have told you this a while ago, but I've been too scared. Ever since the day we first met you've been a constant on my mind. Everything I do, and have done, reminds me of you."

Retracing her steps backwards towards the bedroom door, she re-entered the room and closed the door as quietly as she could, praying Adrien hadn't figured out she'd been listening in on his conversation. She leaned back against the solid object and fisted her hands to her eyes. How could Adrien go from wanting to kiss her to this? Who was this woman? Had her denial drove him into another's arms? How stupid was she?

That was it then, she'd lost her chance. She should have made it clearer years ago, she should have told him... but her fear ran deep and she just couldn't let it out. Damn it, she should have stood there and let him kiss her, not fill him — once more — with doubts about what she was feeling.

It was her own fault, and, now, she'd have to deal with the consequences.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop." Marinette looked to the bed and noticed Plagg sitting alongside her bag. She stepped forward with all intention of telling Plagg to mind his own business when another voice cut through the silence.

"Marinette?" Adrien's voice shouted out to her, and she was struggling to form a coherent sentence.

Instead, she opted for a short and simple, "Yeah."

"I'm going to head back to the main house and see if I can find Granny to get the clothing. Do you want to come with me? I understand if you want to stay here."

Closing her eyes, she made her way back to the door and placed her hands upon it, followed by her forehead. As much as she would love to follow him, right now all she could think about was having a little space to regroup.

"I'll just sort Tikki out then I'll come over to you," she shouted back, listening intently to the door opening and closing outside the room, a quick call from Adrien letting her know he'd see her later.

Finally, she calmed her breathing enough to push away from the door and head towards her bag, the main aim to check on Tikki, it wasn't like she could unpack or anything.

Sitting down on the bed — the one and only she suddenly realised — Marinette leaned forward and placed her head into her hands. This was ridiculous! It's not like she had an ownership on him just because he was her partner, and only an hour ago she was determined to be his best friend, not the jealous friend who would avoid him. Not that she could anyway.

She sighed and rested her elbows on her knees looking around the stunning log cabin room. The wood, the red and greens, the warm fireplace opposite the bed. It was the most romantic place she had ever been to and she was with the person who she'd want to share such a place with. This was a mess! Her life was a mess!

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