The Twelfth Hour

591 40 13

Prompt: Cuddling

So the next attempt at just trying to kiss Marinette had been a complete disaster! After spending a good proportion of the evening scrubbing the burnt chocolate milk from the bottom of the saucepan, Marinette had managed to do another helping of hot chocolates whilst Adrien was a distance away.

As the burnt smell of orange radiated around the cabin, Adrien was almost 100% sure he'd never be an enthusiastic orange eater again. The smell overwhelmed his senses and made him feel borderline sick.

They'd completely avoided talking about the near kiss, instead conversing about the most mundane of things: the weather, her parents, Alya's recent Instagram post wearing Adrien's jumper and Marinette's skirt (the girl had no shame) and what movie they should watch before going to bed. He couldn't believe that only twelve hours ago they were battling an akuma with a panic of missing the mini bus. Low and behold, they missed in any way and were now in what he could only describe as a cheap Netflix holiday movie.

He felt a buzz in his pocket, reaching around his back to pull out his phone. A well timed distraction from Marinette questioning him on what was better: Home Alone or Home Alone 2? Only to vigorously disagree with him about his answer. Why couldn't she just accept that the first film was the best?


Hey dude, have you done it yet?


No 😫


Dude, seriously? Snowed in at a romantic log cabin and you haven't admitted your eternal love for the girl?

You're a disgrace to all romcom lovers everywhere!


This is real life, Nino!

This isn't how it works.

I'm not Ryan Renolds.


I don't think he's Marinette's type.


I promise, when the time is right I'll speak to her about it.

There just hasn't been a chance yet.


Excuses, Agreste, excuses!


I promise.

Now stop interrupting me!

Btw, is Ayla with you?


She is.



Please, tell her that I want her to take my clothes off!

"What are you doing?"

Marinette's voice almost had him dropping his phone as he fumbled to put it away in his pocket.

"Oh, um, just responding to a couple of messages. Nothing important."

He attempted to smile in Marinette's direction, praying she hadn't been looking over his shoulder or noticed the texts.

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