An Hour on the Other Side

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Gramps made his way up the staircase leaving Marinette with Adrien. The raven haired hero – if he could remember correctly – was about to let him have what's for over the whole Catwalker experience; however, she'd soon grow used to it and request the costume change once or twice in the future... Or past — depending on how you look at it.

This was more fun than he originally thought, and even though he knew what would be happening over the next day within the cabin he still couldn't believe he was finally here, on the other side of the story. It only felt like yesterday when he was attempting time and time again to kiss Marinette, both completely oblivious to the fact they were trying to seduce each other. The memories he had with his wife were above and beyond anything, and he was so grateful to have such a wonderful woman in his life.

Finally reaching the door to their room, he searched for the key in his pocket, letting himself in just in time to see Marinette buried deep inside her bag. He remembered how funny he'd found it to watch the older lady almost fall into the depths of the pink suitcase and into the wilderness of clothing — clothing she'd spent months creating just for them — when he was in his teens.

"You can at least come and help me out," her voice was slightly muffled as she spoke from within. "My feet can't reach the floor."

Laughing to himself, Adrien walked over to Marinette and helped her down from the suitcase, placing her feet firmly back onto the ground. Sometimes he was so grateful for the Miraculous; even at the ripe old age of 83 years old, their bodies still felt no older than 60, allowing him to still be able to hold and support his wife.

"That's because you're pocket sized, M'Lady." He bopped his wife on the nose, following the tap with a little kiss causing her to giggle.

"So," Marinette said, walking towards the kettle situated on a table in the room, "did you have fun with younger me?"

"Of course," Adrien said. "I forgot how much of a mess you were in your teens."

Grabbing the nearest thing to her (a packet of ginger biscuits) she turned around and launched them at her husband, Adrien grabbing them with ease, taking one out of the packet and placing it between his teeth complete with a rather large smile. He bit down, wiggling his eyebrows in jest at his wife as he pulled the biscuit from his mouth and began to chew.

"I wasn't that bad," she mumbled, turning over two tea cups and placing the teabags in before heading back to the bed and what she'd removed from the case – a thermos.

Heading back to the table, she grabbed the kettle and added the hot water into the Thermos, a smell of herbs overpowering the room as she stirred the ingredients together.

"Not that bad! Pfft, Plagg? What do you think?" Adrien asked, wrapping the biscuits up and taking the packet back to the table.

Placing them down, Adrien squinted and looked around the room, finally halting on the small cupboard in the back. "Out you come, you little menace. I could feel your presence as I was walking up the stairs."

A small black blur shot out the cupboard and onto the bed, complete with Marinette's side bag, and — if he could remember rightly — a sick Tikki.

"How could you feel me?" Plagg said, looking towards the older version of his holder.

"You don't wear a Miraculous for 47 years without some sort of side effects," Marinette laughed, continuing with what she was doing.

"My personal favourite is my inability to eat dairy," Adrien laughed, moving to the bed and scooping his old friend into his hands. "I've missed you buddy."

Rubbing their cheeks together, Plagg started purring, a calming gentle rumble making Adrien reminisce about all the times spent together. He really did miss his little buddy.

"So, is there an older Plagg here?" the kwami asked, looking around.

Adrien shook his head in response. "I haven't wielded you in over 20 years, there's a new Chat Noir now, though, not with quite the same pawsomeness as me."

"Geez kid, even at 80 years old you're still annoying."

"83 actually, and I'll take that as a compliment." Adrien laughed, reaching into Marinette's side bag and taking Tikki gently into his hands. The kwami was still fast asleep, looking more pink than her usual red with tiny, snuffled snores leaving her mouth. She was helpless and Adrien remembered the worry she'd caused Marinette everytime she was ill.

"Come here, little one."

Walking over to Marinette with Tikki in his hands, Adrien couldn't help but reminisce about their past lives as superheroes. When they turned 60 years old a new villain came out to play, one harder and more vicious than they'd ever seen before. With both Marinette and Adrien's knowledge of the Miraculous, they decided it would be a good idea for them to step down from being the main holders, concentrating more on training new heroes than taking to the battlefield themselves.

Their granddaughter was the new Ladybug holder, her boyfriend now wielding the cat. They were a great team, and both worked hard alongside Marinette and Adrien to continue the fight. Though Adrien understood how the Miraculous worked and how they could manipulate time and space, his heart dropped every time the new wielders went out to fight, mixing strangely with the swell of pride.

Holding Tikki out to Marinette, the guardian took the thermos and held it to the sick kwami's mouth. "Open wide, little Bug." Marinette poured the liquid she'd been brewing delicately and slowly into Tikki's mouth, smiling down at her as light suddenly shone around her body.

With a couple of blinks, Tikki opened her wide blue eyes and smiled at the elderly male and female.

"Welcome back Little Bug."

Snuggling together, Adrien, Marinette, Tikki and Plagg settled on the bed talking about years past and what was to come in the very, very near future.

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