The Twenty-Sixth Hour

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Prompt: Iced Cookies

Marinette handed the cookies over to the young girl she'd been helping before heading back to Granny. It seemed they were the only two who knew how to work the kitchen, therefore they ended up in charge of the iced cookie activity for the children. There weren't too many there, so both women took on a small group each, guiding them right from the first few ingredients to the decorations at the end.

An hour later and they were done, sending the children off and beginning to clean the kitchen. The house was short on staff, and with the storm beginning to start up again, the main house keepers were needed elsewhere. Marinette and Granny were glad to offer their services to help as much as possible.

As she sprayed the counter with disinfectant, Marinette moved around the surface wiping away the remains of flour, butter and icing a smile of her face as she heard Last Christmas playing from the main hall. As depressing as some people might find the song and lyrics, it was one of her favourites, one she'd sing along to at the top of her lungs.

'Oh, oh now I've found a real love.

You'll never fool me again'

Real love. Oh yes, she'd found that; every year for the past five years she'd found a real love for Christmas. The one and only Adrien Agreste — the guy who she completely made an ass of herself in front of — both metaphorically and physically. Her cheeks flushed as she thought about the incidents of the morning once more. Seriously, one should not possess as much bad luck as she did. Maybe she was destined to have Plagg instead of Tikki and Master Fu had delivered the wrong box to the wrong person?

"These are incredible, Marinette, it seems you have a talent for baking." Granny said, putting a cookie into her mouth and looking as though she was tasting heaven.

Marinette laughed. "Well, my parents are bakers so I've learned a trick or two."

Granny took another cookie from the plate and almost shoved the whole thing in without a second thought. "Or three," she spluttered through a full mouth of biscuit, bits of the cookie spraying out and scattering all over the table.

Taking the disinfectant spray once again, she deposited another amount onto the table before wiping it over.

"I like to think so." Marinette picked up the cloth and spray, taking it back to the sink and placing the bottle in the caddy and the cloth in the bowl of soapy water, running the hot tap so she could give the dirty rag a real good clean.

Every couple of seconds her eyes would drift towards the doorway, an overpowering need to see Adrien affecting her like going cold Turkey from a powerful, addictive drug.

"He'll be ok, Love, he's in good hands."

Marinette almost threw the cloth, complete with dishwasher soap and a ton of water behind her as her stomach lifted into her throat in fear. The woman was like a ninja, light on her feet and quick as a flash. Calming her heart by placing a hand to her chest, Marinette turned to look at the older lady who was now standing right behind her with a conspicuous smile on her face.

"Believe me I know," she continued, adding a wink which intensified Marinette's blush.

Granny cackled, moving away from Marinette and to the dishwasher, adding a couple of used items before pressing the buttons and sending it on a cycle. She seemed to know her way around this kitchen quite miraculously.

"How long have you and Gramps been married?"

The older lady continued on with her tidying as she responded. "62 years this Christmas."

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