The Twenty-Thirty Hour

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Prompt: Christmas Movie

Marinette wasn't sure what the world had against her, but whether she was being condemned from doing something bad in this life, or whether it had stemmed from another life, another time, it didn't matter. All that she knew was that the world was against her and that she'd obviously done something to upset space and time because there was no waysomeone could have this much bad luck.

She'd gone from waking up with Adrien attempting to give her a hickey, to panty gate (in her case) and no panty gate (in his). Adding to all this she'd managed to throw a plate full of pancakes all over his face. This was horrendous.

Marinette started to look through the DVD collection in a small cupboard whilst Adrien went to get changed. She really was the worst flirt in the world.

He had looked amazing. The thick cardigan was a wonderful design for his tall, lean body. The fit was impeccable and the style very much Adrien — it was as though it had been made especially for him and that just made things worse.

She wanted to woo him, to make him fall in love with her and want to be with her, not run away to save himself from a life full of pancakes in his hair. Worst of all, that wonderful cardigan she wanted to snuggle up to him in was ruined. Completely wrecked and unable to live another day. What an idiot!

Looking through the DVD's she attempted to keep her mind on what she was doing and not on the fact Adrien was most likely topless once more in the bedroom — their bedroom. She'd seen him topless numerous times in the past, especially due to their regular meets at the local swimming baths, however, seeing him fresh out of the shower, towel low on hips and hand brushing through his hair... Well, that was a lot for a girl to contend with. And his ass!!! She'd never seen a butt like it! It was a full pepper with amazing dimples and very well toned cheeks, and she hated herself for staring at it so much. She felt slightly perverted for ogling him but she just couldn't turn her head away, and when she did she ended up face planting the door.

Marinette's cheeks flamed from the thought of what she'd seen – and the pain from walking into the doorframe. Another catastrophe.

She liked to describe Adrien as skinny fit, he was skinny yet his body was toned to perfection. She wasn't sure whether he was lucky and naturally looked that way, or whether it was all thanks to his recent work out regime. Whatever it was though, it was doing him good.

Continuing to look through the movies, she suddenly lost all interest and instead, turned her head to the doorway and stared at it in hope her eyes would suddenly be able to see through solid objects. Marinette couldn't help the loved up sigh leave her lips as she thought about the way that lucky towel had seated itself against Adrien's hips, allowing the 'V' line to drop below the soft cotton of the material. Was it possible to be jealous of an inanimate object?

As she continued in her Adrien filled daydream, the door clicked open and she almost fell down completely flat against the floor. She really needed to pull herself together or her cheeks would inherit a permanent glow of a bright red hue, covering from her face down onto her neck and onto her chest.

"Are you okay?" Adrien came to crouch beside her, his hand reaching out and touching her forehead with the back of his fingers, before sliding it down her cheek and to the back of her neck.

Closing her eyes, Marinette allowed her body to relax into the cooling touch of Adrien's hand, her throat letting out a rumble before a groan escaped. Her eyes shot open in mortification. No! Oh no, oh no, oh no!

"Amazing, I'm great!" Stumbling backwards and onto her bottom, Adrien lost his balance and fell forward, catching himself on his hands over her body; his face almost connecting with hers.

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