The Thirty-Third Hour

667 33 3

Prompt: Fireplace

Marinette grabbed the bottle from the smaller table — their second of the night — and filled the wine glasses half way before placing the bottle back down and looking over her shoulder.

Adrien was currently talking to the kwami's in front of the fireplace, resting back on one hand as the other draped perfectly over her knee. She couldn't believe, looking at him now, that he was her boyfriend. After years of idiocy from the both of them they'd finally pulled it together and they were here.

The evening had been perfect. After their first dance, then the next, and the next, Adrien had just about managed to save their meal from being burnt to the crisp, another entertaining story to add to their list. Once they'd managed to salvage the meal, they'd had a romantic evening talking and laughing over candle light enjoying the delicious food that both Tikki and Plagg refused to spill the details about where they'd gotten it from.

Two hours had flown by as quick as a flash and now they were chilling in front of the fireplace drinking wine and snuggling.

She was snuggling with Adrien Agreste.

Trying not to make a fool of herself anymore than what she already had over the past hours, Marinette slowly and steadily moved towards the fireplace and handed Adrien his glass. The two kwamis bid them both goodnight before flying off and into the bedroom, well at least that's where she thought they were going. Their previous whereabouts were still a mystery.

Marinette turned her attention back to Adrien, his smile was wide and looking as though he held the world in his hands. She'd never seen him so deliriously happy. His face was splitting from the wide smile and his eyes were glowing; she couldn't help but wonder if he'd look like this on their wedding day. Yes, she knew she was jumping ahead of herself but they were together now and she had no intentions of ever letting him go.

"Come here."

As Marinette began lowering herself to the floor, Adrien reached out and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her in towards him and settling her in his lap.

Since their mistletoe kiss (thank you Tikki and Plagg) Adrien had taken any opportunity to touch her. From placing his hands on her hips as they washed the dishes, to placing light kisses on her forehead as she walked past him to use the bathroom. And she loved every single second of it.

Steadying the wine glass in her hands, Marinette settled into her boyfriend's lap, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before placing her wine glass on the table behind them. He mimicked her actions before wrapping both arms tightly around her waist and pulling her into his body, his nose nuzzling into her neck and making her squirm.

"Adrien, stop! You're tickling me."

His throaty laugh vibrated through her neck as he swapped the nuzzles for small kisses instead. She wasn't going to make it out of this cabin alive.

"Adrien! Stop!"

"Never," he laughed, placing one last kiss on her cheek and resting his chin on her shoulder. They sat in utter bliss as they watched the fire crackle and pop in front of them; the warmth a wonderful feeling after their afternoon out in the cold.

"I'm glad we never made it to the resort," Marinette announced with a sigh, her body naturally relaxing back into Adrien's.

"And I'm glad you have ridiculously unsuitable boots for this type of weather."

"Hey!" Marinette announced, turning her head to look at his wild, smiling face. "You love my boots! Don't deny it."

"I do love them, almost as much as I love you."

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