The Sixth Hour

641 41 14

Prompt: Dark Nights and Christmas Lights

Adrien could have ripped the console from the centre of the van and threw it out the window.

Though Adrien didn't know the true definition, he was quite sure he and Marinette were having a conversation which would classify as 'a moment'. One you would see in romance films just before the lead and his lady locked lips and declared their unwavering love for one another, love hidden because of situation and responsibility. However, the damn lady with the robotic voice just had to spoil it — taking away the moment and the opportunity for Adrien to bare his soul.

The atmosphere of the journey had been the perfect set up. The snow, the romantic town lit by fairy lights and magical atmosphere conjured up from her joyous face; the village, the music... everything was perfect — until he had to take the next left. As much as he wanted to get to where they were staying for the evening, he couldn't help the slight rebel in him wanting to turn right, just to prove a point.

He let go of Marinette's hand and went back to placing both of his firmly on the wheel, gripping it tightly when gritting his teeth. If he clamped them any harder together he was quite sure they'd shatter.

He turned the wheel and took the car down another narrow pathway leading them out to the abyss of the dark night once more, the magical town long forgotten as he once again navigated tight lanes and bare twigged canopies.

Why had their journey turned from a Disney holiday classic to one from the Twilight Zone?

They'd just been through the most beautiful town and now they were back in the nothingness, a scarily accurate metaphor for the ups and downs of their relationship.

Just when things were getting good and looking brighter, a sudden turn took them down the rabbit hole once more. Uncertainty adding to the fear of the unknown.

"Only a couple of kilometres left to go Kitty, we're almost there."

He flicked the high beams on again, the thick flakes on snow once again blinding him as they reflected the light. This wasn't working. Instead of trying anymore, Adrien settled for a ridiculously slow speed (even by his standards) and just his normal headlights. He was tempted to send Plagg out and use him as a guide, allowing the glowing green eyes of his kwami to lead the way.

"I don't know what I'm going to do first," Adrien announced. "Run to the toilet, kiss the ground or fall asleep?"

A soft sigh left Marinette's lips before she spoke. "I'm really proud of you doing this, you know."

Her praise was like an adrenaline kick, keeping him focused and filling his heart with joy. Suddenly he felt fully awake again and as though he could take on the world. A smile stretched over his lips with his renewed sense to keep going. Her words of encouragement and endearment meant everything to him, if she believed he could do it, then he was positive that he could.

"That means a lot, thank you Marinette."

He continued driving, a glowing light in the distance pulling him in like a siren and he couldn't help but hope this was their destination. All he wanted to do was get his feet placed on solid ground.

"I don't know if I've asked you, but what are you doing for Christmas this year?" He knew she was trying to keep his motivation high and his thoughts away from the increasingly severe weather outside.

"Not sure," Adrien replied, his eyes keeping track of the bright lights in the distance, very much like a moth to a flame. "I'm guessing it'll be the first normal Christmas in a while, father's trying hard to make up for the past years and I'm quite sure he's dating Nathalie now."

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