The Twenty-First Hour

552 33 6

Prompt: Fuzzy

Marinette was having the best dream of her life. She'd spent the night cuddled up with Adrien, and as of this moment, dream Adrien was spooning her with his long, lean leg resting over her own and his face buried deep into her hair. The fuzzy feeling only enhanced as he pressed gentle kisses into her hair and onto her neck. A caring yet intimate action.

Oh yes! This was the best dream ever. What made it so different to her other dreams about Adrien was the fact that it felt so real; though not just in touch but in its smell and comfort too. It was as though she could feel his heat as it pushed through his own clothing into hers. She knew there had been times in the past where she'd dreamed about them falling asleep together, but this time it was the tiny birdy kisses to her neck that had her burning.

Wiggling backwards and snuggling deeper in her dream Adrien's arms, she felt hot breath hit her neck. It was so life-like it felt like it could be real.


She felt something press against her neck, a slight dampness left in its wake — a dampness which felt an awful lot like a real life kiss.

Her eyes shot open as she flung the covers off herself and dived onto the floor. Yes it was slightly dramatic but right now she felt it was well and truly deserved. As she hit the floor and huddled into a foetal position, the kisser made a groaning noise. The kisser who could only be Adrien.

Remaining in the curled up position on the floor, Marinette looked down at her body noticing she was still in her travelling clothes from the day before — hot chocolate stain and all.

"M-Marinette," Adrien's voice sounded like he was still half asleep, and unfortunately the thickness was doing things to her poor heart she wished she could have controlled.

"Marinette," he yawned, the obvious creaks in the bed an indication of him moving around. Without warning a realisation hit her like a football to the face. Last night she had been spooning Adrien Agreste and, for more, Adrien had been dropping her little kisses on her neck. A sudden heat engulfed her body and she glad she was facing away, looking like a tomato would not help her flirting techniques even if he did have a fondness for red.

Everything inside her was struggling to cope. She didn't know whether she should stay curled up into a ball and cry, or celebrate by leaping back onto the bed and pinning him down, requesting to know if the kisses meant anything to him and could she have some more — preferably on the lips and when she was conscious.

"Marinette," he said again, making her jump. She looked up to find Adrien hanging off the bed staring at her.

She couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen next. Was he about to tell her it was a mistake? That snuggling and kissing her was just an act which had come from a dream? That he was going to get back in the van and leave?

"G-g-gorning mood, Adrien. Well, you sleep? I mean did you sleep well because..." she stretched up faking a yawn as she considered what to say next. "I think, yes, I think I need more sleep so if you excuse me." She rolled back onto her side to face away from him again and closed her eyes tightly.

If she blocked any opportunity for him to talk to her then he'd never tell her it was a mistake and she could continue believing that he wanted to cuddle her and kiss her... yes, kiss her. Very sweetly — on the neck! Her face began to deepen its colour at the thought. He was going to be the death of her.

"Marinette, you've - um - you've taken the duvet."

She looked down once more and noticed the l material twisted around her body. She must have taken it with her as she exited the bed and took homage on the floor. She began to throw the material her body, the excess wrapping around her feet in a knot worthy of a sailor.

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