The Fourth Hour

654 43 10

Prompt: Snow

Adrien turned the full beams off before flicking them back on, repeating the action time and time again as he leaned forward and attempted to get as close to the front screen as possible. The sheer volume of snow was making the driving conditions quite impossible, and even though he wanted to be all macho in front of Marinette, this whole journey was terrifying him.

Since passing his test just over four months ago, his driving experiences had been zilch. The whole point of driving had been another shot of freedom for him, adding to that of being able to transform and take to the skies as Chat Noir. He loved the idea of taking a road trip cross country with his friends and being able to go where he wanted when he wanted. However, thick snow wasn't on his list of ideal driving conditions.

He flicked the beam on once more, the bright white light of the van hitting against the thick flakes of snow and almost blinding him. This was impossible. The effect of the lights against the clean whiteness of the snow blinded him but if he turned the lights off he was blind anyway, there was no win; the dark roads being a scary occurrence just on their own. He would have struggled even without Jack Frost adding in an extra obstacle.

"Are you okay?" He had no idea how long Marinette had been calling him, or talking to him, his eyes firmly set on their unknown destination.

"Hummm, yeah." He flicked the lights on once more, knowing full well it was only going to be the same old problem, the illuminated whiteness causing him to shut them down almost instantaneously.


Adrien looked down to the map on the centre console, using it as his navigation to keep him on the road. It seemed they had hit country lanes. The twisting and turning continued as they moved on down towards their destination. It had been at least ten minutes since they'd seen another sign of life. No other vehicles, animals or anything else. Just snow, snow, snow.

"Are you sure this is the right way, M'Lady? Did you put the correct address in?"

He felt her lean forward and pressed some of the buttons on the centre monitor, he quickly glanced down to watch her grab his phone too and, what he thought, checked the address.

"Yes, this is the one. Hang on a second..."

Out of his peripheral vision he could see her tapping around on his phone once more, looking between what he guessed was Google Maps and Waze — comparing the two apps to see if they matched.

"There looks like there's been some sort of major accident on the autoroute. It's red from just after the junction we came off at, so we're definitely on the quickest route."

"I'm not sure it's the safest though, this is getting a little hard to see." The wipers were working as hard as his retinas, the afternoon skies growing darker and darker as they continued on their mission. In a few minutes' night would have firmly placed itself in a position that was formerly held by day and thanks to this crazy route, there were no lights to illuminate the path, meaning... well... the thought was rapidly increasing his heart rate. If Plagg wasn't busy looking after Tikki he would most certainly be calling the kwami to come and calm him.

"Do we need to stop?" Marinette asked without warning, Adrien once more moving forward and closer to the windscreen, this time his head colliding with it slightly.

He let out a short hiss, and used one hand to quickly give it a rub. "I don't think just stopping on this road would be a good idea. It would be a death trap." The faint bounce of a light in the distance caused Adrien to slow down a little, not that he was exactly going fast in the first place.

As a car came cruising down the opposite side of the road, Adrien attempted to move as far to the side as he could, almost stopping to let the other car pass and praying for Tom's paint work that no hedge branches had scratched into the side of the vehicle.

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