The Thirty-First Hour

636 41 21

Prompt: Mistletoe Kisses

Adrien studied his outfit in the bathroom mirror, Plagg had chosen surprisingly well. His white shirt was pristine and rolled to just under his elbows, the grey waistcoat fit him like a glove and the matching slacks had the perfect crease line running down the front and back; all paired with the shiniest shoes he'd ever worn.

"Looking good, Kid." Plagg flew around his hair, plucking a couple of strands and making sure they lay correctly on his holder's head.

"Do you think Marinette will like it?" Adrien said, twisting his body a couple of different ways to check the back of his outfit. With one last turn he was ready, this was it. Tonight he was going all in, be damned what happened next, by the end of the night Marinette would clearly know how he felt and his heart would literally be on the line. He'd never had nerves like this before.

When they'd arrived back from the snowball fight Adrien had every intention to chase after Marinette and sort this out once and for all. Unfortunately, after the wind forcefully blew the door closed and Plagg had ambushed him, he had no other option to make his way to the bathroom and the selection of clothing Plagg had left lying out. Apparently Plagg had a plan, and apparently Tikki needed a moment with Marinette; so he did what his kwami asked – as much as it hurt him to leave her.

"And Marinette will be dressed up too? I'm not going to look like an over enthusiastic idiot."

Plagg cackled, flying around the room. "You already look like one of those, and yes Marinette will be dressing up too. Oh, and yes she's going to like your outfit. Now you need to get out there, get the food in the oven and prepare to woo your girl. I have it under good authority tonight is the night."

"Oh yeah," Adrien said, moving towards the door as Plagg ushered him out. "Whose authority is that then?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you." Plagg cackled again and led Adrien out into the kitchen.

He felt good and he knew he looked good, now he just had to make sure he proved it with his actions.

"Okay, so I'll put the food in the oven to heat up, wine is out on the table and now I just need to find something for the atmosphere. Maybe I could play music off my phone or something?" Adrien looked around the kitchen before placing the items in the correct place and moving towards the oven. Grabbing hold of the mitt, he placed it on and opened the oven door sliding in whatever concoction was in the foil tray Plagg had given to him.

"How romantic! A crappy old iphone playing out love songs, and people say romance is dead." Plagg snorted before flying off towards a small table in the corner of the room.

He called Adrien to come and take a look, the blond curious to the kwami's sudden enthusiasm. The closer he got the more he could see Plagg was struggling to lift something, something that looked suspiciously like an old vinyl record.

"What have you got there Plagg?"

"It's an old record, see there's a phonograph here too. Why don't you try it out?"

Adrien took the record from the kwami's hands and gently pulled it from its packet, a trail of dust exploding from the action and causing him to sneeze.

"I wonder when this was last used?" Adrien mused, lifting the stylus from where it was resting on the base of the phonograph and gently setting the record on the platter.

"I'm guessing," Plagg scratched his chin, "about 62 years ago."

"What? Are you some sort of dust expert now?" Adrien laughed, lifting the stylus and positioning it on the edge of the record. His mother had had one like this in the music room of the mansion. She used to say nothing beats a vinyl track, well... that was until she caught Fèlix pretending to be a DJ on her deck and hid it away from him and his cousin for the remaining time she was around. Adrien suddenly had the urge to go searching for it when he returned home.

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