The Eleventh Hour

605 36 7

Prompt: Hot Chocolate

Marinette had been having the most wonderful time with Gramps. He'd taken her around the building, giving her a tour of the different rooms and what activities were going to be going on over the next couple of days; all being set up in case the snow got worse. Apparently, he and his wife had been coming here quite often, enjoying the tranquillity of the main house and cabin along with seeing the grounds in different seasons. Marinette had made a mental note of the details he was giving her, hoping that maybe herself and Adrien could return at some point in the near future.

He had been kind and attentive, nothing at all like her own grandpere. Instead, she could imagine him as the most wonderful grandparent, always making sure his grandkids were spoiled with toys and sweets... and love. Granny had found a good one, one definitely worth the 63 years they'd been together. The way he spoke about her was something most people could only dream about. It wasn't very often you heard love stories like this anymore, her parents being one of the few and far between with their almost 35 years of marriage.

But no matter how sweet and endearing her time with Gramps had been, right now, all that was quickly forgotten. Marinette stared, slack jawed, as Adrien stood in front of her, on the bottom of the staircase, with a cardigan in the most familiar design.

The gold piping trailed up either side of his chest and sat in a familiar soldier design, the front embellished with golden buttons on either side, a perfect match in colour. A golden rope hung across the front as the neck raised high, folding over and laying in a perfect drape. The gold piping continued onto the shoulders of the cardigan — the added rope effect capping on both arms.

It was nothing more than a large flashing light over his head. Adrien Agreste — Chat Noir — was Catwalker.

There was no doubt in her mind that she was right about this, and there was no way she wasn't questioning it further. She felt so stupid in that moment. Not only had she missed the obvious in the way her temporary partner had acted in comparison with Adrien, but also the name.

Catwalker! Like seriously ~

It was as though he was guiding her towards him this whole time. So not only was she now contending with being madly in love with Adrien and Chat Noir, but the only other person to come close to capturing her heart was also Adrien — again!

"H-h-hey," he mumbled, raising one hand in a wave.

She crossed her arms and glared at him, the rose tinge on his cheeks evidence that he knew, she knew. He looked guilty, and he should do too. He'd made her worry, he'd made her panic and most of all, he'd made her question her love for Adrien and kept it a secret for years.

Ignoring her partner, she turned to Gramps and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before turning back to Adrien and raising a brow. He had some explaining to do.

Gramps began to make his way past Adrien and onto the staircase, giving the guy a quick smile and placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned back to Marinette, a soft smile gracing his lips.

"Don't forget," he said in warning, "part of a conversation is never the whole." With that he patted Adrien on the shoulder and wished him good luck, moving his way up the staircase and out of sight.

Moving her attention slowly from the elderly gentleman to the younger one on the bottom of the staircase, she looked back at Adrien knowing full well her face didn't look too impressed and, by the look on his, he was not looking forward to the conversation to come.

Marinette took a step forward, ready to start the altercation there and then, only to be stopped before she could say anything by Adrien holding up a pair of fur lined, pink, walking boots. Her dream winter boots — aside from the ones she was wearing, of course. However; if he thought that was a peace offering he was scarcely wrong.

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