Epilogue - 63 Years Later...

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"What are you doing?" Marinette walked forward, away from their bed, and looked over Adrien's shoulder, noticing the lines he was drawing on a map.

"Well, if you remember correctly, we followed a random map home."

Marinette nodded, of course. The most romantic and infuriating journey back to Paris from anywhere they had ever been. They'd followed the map which had been left for them by Gramps, but unfortunately it had gotten wet as they stopped for a restroom break and Adrien decided to wing it – a term he'd been banned from using ever since that weekend.

The cold and flu Marinette had come down with went away quite quickly, the only issue which derived from it was that Adrien had been too attentive and too perfect with her; so much so he'd ended up with the same illness without the help of Granny's super medicine. He drove back to Paris barely holding on, lying the whole way back to Marinette that he was fine. The fact it took them double the amount of time didn't go amiss. She'd made sure he had a very nice Christmas gift that year.

She placed her hands on her husband's shoulders and bent down to kiss him on the head. "Very sweet."

Marinette let out a sigh, turning back to the bed and continuing to pack her case.

"You okay, Lovebug?" Adrien asked, spinning around on his chair to look at his wife.

"It's just sad that this will be our last visit to the bed and breakfast, that's all." She sniffed, wiping under her eyes before continuing with her packing, throwing all the clothing for their younger selves into the suitcase.

Marinette had spent the better part of November creating the outfits and even though she could remember exactly how they looked, she had still made her own little tweeks. One of the main ones was to create a 'travelling home' outfit which would look amazing with her boots.

"I know, M'Lady, but we said we needed to stop with the time travel, and you know it doesn't exist anymore." Adrien watched as she continued to place everything into the suitcases. Walking to her he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her close. "The time travel's not good for either of us now, you know that."

"That doesn't make it easier," she exclaimed, zipping the case and turning, burying her head into her husband's chest.

"At least we're going out with a bang." Adrien kissed her on the head, only to be interrupted by the call from downstairs.

"Granny, Gramps, are you ready to go." Ellie's voice made its way upstairs. Marinette moved away from Adrien and checked all her necessities were in her bag.

Purse. Check.

Phone. Check.

Secret potion for a sick kwami in a thermos. Check.

"Ready?" she asked Adrien.

"Ready," he replied.

They made their way out of the bedroom and towards the staircase, catching a glimpse of their oldest granddaughter as they walked down the stairs. Ellie was the first Agreste grandchild and she was a ray of light. Louis and Bella Agreste, nee Couffaine, had produced the first heir to the Agreste line, and she was a ray of sunshine. She'd been a backup for the rabbit Miraculous, taking over from Alix when the skater decided to retire from superhero activity and loving every minute.

"Hey Granny, Gramps. Have you got everything?" The young girl bounded forward and pressed a kiss to each of her grandparents' cheeks. She was dressed in her blue rabbit costume, looking more like she'd arrived from Tron than an ancient chinese artefact.

"I think so," Adrien said, looking between himself and Marinette, the latter nodding in agreement.

"Let's go then." Ellie leads them both out the doorway and onto the front porch before leading them around the side and in view of the small cabin to the side.

Stepping through they prepare themselves to experience the jet lag of time travel one last time.

They both stand looking at their house, and even though it is now 63 years older, it still looks wonderful coated in snow and Christmas lights. When the house went up for sale 23 years previously it was a no-brainer to Adrien and Marinette they just had to buy it. Their best memories were from this place and they were known well by the owners, travelling back every year around Christmas to relive their official beginning.

They loved the place, and with the large amount of rooms, plus the cabin, it was perfect for their ever growing family.

"I'll come back and get you in 48 hours, and dad said to tell you they're travelling up Christmas Eve with Aunty Emma."

They exchanged hugs and kisses one last time before Emma stepped back through the portal and returned to the burrow.

Adrien grabbed the suitcases ready to move forward and into the house when Marinette reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him back towards her.

"Before we go in," Marinette said, holding an arm out and restricting Adrien from entering the door. "Let's place a bet."

"What's the prize?" He asked suspiciously, one eyebrow raising as his lopsided smile pulled against his lips.

"King or Queen for the day." Marinette stated.

Adrien tilted his head to the side. "Anything goes?"

"Anything goes," Marinette giggled.

Adrien clapped his hands together and gave them a rub. "What's the bet then?"

"I bet I can make Marinette declare her love to Adrien in less than 30 hours."

Adrien guffawed, his laughter shaking his body and his head throwing backwards only for him to quickly put it back down and wipe the snow that had fallen into his eyes and the stray flakes that had made it up his nose.

"Oh, I just can't wait to be King." Adrien channelled his inner Simba as he sang to his wife and grabbed his bags.

"It could happen." Marinette stepped in front of him and towards the doorway, grasping the handle and opening the door.

He laughed again. "And one day you might get the directions right in the portal. We almost ended up here the year I proposed. I don't think that would have gone down too well."

"Oh, stop it! You're the one who took the wrong turn," Marinette teased, looking over her shoulder at her husband, dropping him a wink and starting their little role play for the next couple of days.

"I'm quite sure you were in charge of directions, mon amour, especially after what happened 63 years ago." Adrien teased, stepping in and scanning the area. Nostalgia hit them both hard as they spotted themselves.

"I love you, Granny." Adrien whispered into his wife's ear.

"Not as much as I love you. I'm so glad we made it."

"Me too, My Love, me too."


And with that... 48 Hours is complete. Thank you all so much for the support throughout this month.

I have two New Year themed one shots to post this week.

If I don't speak to you all before the end of this year then have a good one, and I hope 2023 is Miraculous for you all. I have a lot of fun fics to share and can't wait to take you on some crazy journeys with me.


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