The Eighth Hour

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Prompt: Red and Green

Adrien pushed open the door and offered an arm out, Marinette entering first before he followed her into their sanctuary for the next couple of nights. The barn had been converted into a small cabin at the back of the bed and breakfast, and although it wasn't a huge distance away from the main building Adrien was glad they could have been of assistance and helped out the older couple. The last thing he wanted was a stranger's broken hip on his conscience.

The man and woman were adorable to say the least, filling Adrien with longing but also hope. They'd been together 63 years, maybe more, and the love that was expressed between them was cuter than a newborn kitten. He prayed he'd experience something like that one day, and looking at the back of Marinette's head as she began to tour the cabin, only reinforced who he wanted this with.

He studied his partner as she made her way into the main room, her face full of awe and excitement as she moved between the garlands and ornaments. Adrien was sure he'd remember this day for the rest of his life; whether for the extreme situation he had faced in the journey from hell, or from just being here with her in the most magical place he'd ever been.

"Wow!" Her voice came out breathy as she moved towards the Christmas tree in the corner. A huge monstrous thing that was taking up at least half the room eluded his vision, the only thing he could see was the most beautiful person he knew. Marinette was his main focal point.

"Do you want some mistletoe for some kissy kissy?" Plagg whispered in his ear, Adrien swatting him away like a pesky fly.

"Get lost," he announced, Marinette turning around to look him in the eye.

"Excuse me?"

"Not you," Adrien apologised, moving forward to stand beside her with his hands up in defence. "Plagg, was just — you know what, it doesn't matter." He smiled at her, turning a second later and moving to examine the tree himself. It really was enormous.

The red baubles sat prominently against the green pine needles, the colours radiating the Christmas spirit and what it represented. The lights were already on, flashing in the tree, allowing their yellow glow to light the area around it.

"This is beautiful." Marinette stepped closer to his side, wrapping her arms around his waist and causing a stuttering in her heart along with a shiver to progress down his spine. She had such an effect on him that even a simple hug had him almost ready to spontaneously combust.

He turned to look down at her, her head appearing around his side. She was radiant. Beautiful. Stunning. She made the tree look more like a weed than the magical offering it was. "Yeah," Adrien breathed out, "beautiful."

He felt his head move to the side. His eyes firmly set on hers as his lips were pulled towards her with a desperate need to connect. To feel. To begin their 63 years of happiness.

"Adrien, I —" Marinette went to speak as Adrien turned in her arms, his eyes firmly settling on hers. Leaning down, his lips skimmed past her own with the smallest of gaps between them, before firmly coming into contact with her cheek.

He pressed the kiss slowly, taking his time to feel her skin under his lips, to have that moment with her as his alone. His and only his. Bringing his head back into the centre, his nose was almost brushing against hers, his hands grasping onto her hips and holding her tightly.

"Thank you for coming with me. For making my holiday wonderful." His husky voice felt foreign leaving his lips, the thickness in his throat a cause to add tense between them.

He bent forward once more, pouting his lips and placing them on the tip of her nose, only for Marinette to pull away. Her face was flustered, and once more he thought he'd overstepped his mark. He'd gotten carried away and now she was going to run away.

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