The Twenty-Forth Hour

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Prompt: Matching Sweaters

Adrien probably should have stopped, but it seemed that teasing Marinette was getting quite the reaction from her and he was enjoying it a little too much. The walk across to the main house had been accompanied by snowballs being thrown at him, slaps to the upper arm and at one point she jumped onto his back. Each and every action caused a vibration of something exquisite to run down his spine... if only she knew.

The walk was a relatively short one, however the snow had increased in thickness meaning the difficulty had increased too. He walked carefully, trying not to skid on black ice as Marinette led the way in front, luckily, in her new boots. They were a lot more stable than the others, allowing her to grip solidly against the snow covered paths, and the change from her leggings to her jeans had been quite the sight for his sore eyes.

They were now 1-1 when it came to bare tush viewings. When her leggings ripped he couldn't help but stare, just as she had at him. He felt terrible for gawking at her, but it just seemed like another dream come true. He cursed himself inwardly, this isn't something he should be thinking about, it was disrespectful to her and if she found out she'd probably throw him to Timbuktu. Sometimes he resented himself for being so male and so needy when it came to anything to do with Marinette. He really was a horrible person.

As they approached the house, Adrien darted around Marinette and up the staircase. It was time to start his wooing.

He grabbed the door handle, and pulled it open, directing Marinette inside with a kind smile and a friendly 'after you'.

She smiled back, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. He had overdone it, her face confirming that statement as she stamped down on the mat and knocked the snow off her boots, continuing by removing her coat and scarf to place on the rack without looking back at him.

"I'm sorry, Marinette." He closed the door behind him before mirroring her actions. "I took the joke too far, I didn't mean to upset you." He stepped in front of her and placed his hands on her arms, bending down slightly so he could look into the ocean blue of her eyes. God, he'd never get tired of them. They were beyond gorgeous. The shape, the colour, the stories they told. He was so happy he got to see them so often and in so many different ways.

Even with the team now working together more often than not, none of them saw Ladybug the way he did, with the sheer determination and righteousness which saved the day time and time again. He was lucky, oh so lucky – and it was something he never forgot.

When the reveal had happened two years ago everything had seemed to be going in the right direction. They were extremely close as Adrien and Marinette, and Ladybug and Chat Noir were the best of friends resulting in them becoming an increasingly powerful team. The evidence of this was placed in the development of their powers. Not only had the strength of his cataclysm increased but the amount of times he could use it had too. It seemed once the reveal had happened and their love square was – seemingly – resolved their powers had hit maximum level and although there were still things to learn they were strong... incredibly strong.

Since that day when the masks had fallen they'd been inseparable, using their superpowers as an excuse to hang out with each other as much as possible. When it came time to choose a university it had been a simple decision... They were staying in Paris – together.

A sigh left her lips and she closed her eyes. "I hate that I always make a fool out of myself in front of you."

He almost recoiled back in shock and disbelief. Firstly, she'd opened up to him; never had she been so honest without him prying or doing something drastic, and secondly why would she think she made a fool out of herself? Did she not understand how much he adored the way that she was? That every little thing about her intrigued and amazed him. He was utterly besotted with her, he would never ever think that she was a fool.

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