Chapter 1: Invitations

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Sonics Pov:

As i pulled out the last pieces of paper out from the printer, i counted to make sure i had enough

"One for shadow, rouge, kunkles, amy, blaze, silver, cream, sonia (sonic's sister), manic (sonic's brother), and my mom ( aleena )!"

*time skip*

When i finally finished the invitations, it had already been an hour (its 11:34 AM now). As i got up from my chair and stretched, i heard tails walking down the stairs

"Morning buddy!" I said "Morning." Tails responded "I was waiting for you to wake up so i can cook breakfast!" I said as i dashed to the kitchen

Tails pov:

After sonic ran to the kitchen, i walked over to the table with the invitations on it "hey sonic!" I yelled "yea?!" Sonic yelled back "do you need help handing out invitations? I mean i dont really have anything else to do" "not really, but i would appreciate it if you took some" sonic said as i took 'half' of the invitations

"Okay bye!" "Wait!" Sonic yelled

Sonics pov:

"You forgot you breakfast... never mind hes gone" i mumbled. I sighed and went to the semi-pile of invitations. I realized tails only left 5 invitations (shadow, rouge, and my families)

I quickly took the last invitations and dashed out the front door

As i ran around looking for rouge's house, i ran into shadow's first. As i quickly slowed down and knocked the door, i saw the black moody hedgehog answer

"What do you want?" Shadow said "I wanted to invite you to my slumber party!" I said as i handed the invite with a warm smile on my face "Oh uh.. thanks" he said as he closed the door on my face "Wow rude" i said under my breath

About a minute later i found rouge's house as it kinda stood out from the others.. when knocked on the door the albino bat answered "Hello hun, what brings you here?" She said "I wanted to give you a invitation to my slumber party!" i said "Oh! Dont worry honey ill be there" She said as she took the invite "see you there!" When she closed the door i ran off to the last location

After 3 minutes of running i finally reached my parents house

I knocked the door to be greeted by manic "Hey bro!" He said "i wanted to hand you guys invitations to my slumber party!" I said while giving him the last three invitations "Dont worry bro we'll be there" he said as he waved and closed the door

When i finally got home, i saw tails watching tv. I hanged my coat and went to my room

As i laid on my bed i thought what i was gonna do in the next two days.

After ten minutes of thinking, i realized i have to get the guest rooms ready

Each guest room had two bunk beds, cream and silver would share a room with tails, kunkles will share a room with my family, the others share a room together, and ill share a room with.. shadow.

I sighed as the word shadow kept repeating in my head, "Annd.. thats the last bed!" I said as i walked out the room 'now all i need is to cook, but i could do that later' i thought

'I could text shadow right now-' "Hey sonic!" Tails yelled from the living room "Yea?" I said while dashing to him "Look at that new ice-cream flavor, i wanna try it!" He said while pointing to the tv. I sighed as i grabbed my coat, some rings, and dashed out the door

Two minutes later i brought a small tub of the ice-cream flavor and handed it to him "There." I then dashed to my room and fell asleep due to exhaustion

A/N: ill post chapter 2 somewhere near the weekend im just very tired rn

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