Chapter 5: Snowed In 1

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Sonics pov:

I woke up feeling colder than normal, well i should say freezing.
I looked to my side to see Shadow half-awake shivering

"You okay Shadz?" I asked "its just a little cold." Shadow responded

I got and ran to Tails' lab, turning up the heat '80° should be enough.' I thought running back to my room
"There, it should be fine now" i said to Shadow "thanks," Shadow said. I blushed a little at Shadow's kind thanks, "im gonna take my daily run-" "Sonic, we're snowed in." Shadow said cutting me off "oh.." i said

Tails pov:

I woke up colder than normal, i sat up and looked at Cream who was at the edge of the bed shivering
I gave her a warm blanket, and went to Sonic's room

"Sonic, is it me or-" i cut myself off seeing Shadow cuddling Sonic for warmth. I froze for a second then continued what i was saying "Is it me or its colder than normal?" I asked, Sonic looked up from his phone, "Yea, thats why i turned up the heat" Sonic replied
"Okay, im gonna go downstairs!" I said walking out Sonic's room

I walked down the hall, and looked at
The girl's room. I knocked on the door and heard the tired voice of Amy say, "come in,"

I opend the door to see Blaze cuddling Amy, Rouge admiring a gem, and Cake looking like she was turning into ice

"Everyone okay?" I asked "Yea," everyone except for Blaze replied

I walked downstairs where Sonic, Sonia, Manic, and Knuckles were sitting in the living room


Narrators pov:

Rouge and Shadow finished making breakfast, "Everyone come downstairs for breakfast!" Rouge yelled

"You guys are good at cooking!" Cake said "Yea, you should become chefs!" Tails agreed "Well Shadow did all the work, you should thank him" Rouge responded "You're a expert with cooking, Shadz!" Sonic said "Thanks, Faker." Shadow responded with a light blush on his face


After everyone ate, they all sat in the living room

"We could play uno" Rouge suggested "great idea, ill call everyone that wants to play" Sonic said

Cake, Rouge, Shadow, and Sonic were playing uno

"CAKE HOW MANY PLUS 4'S DO YOU HAVE!?" Shadow yelled "about 20 more.." Cake confessed "WAIT ROUGE DIDNT CALL UNO, YOU HAVE TO DRAW 2 NOW HAHA" Sonic yelled "WHAT NO!" Rouge yelled back

"HA I WIN!" Cake said jumping up from the floor "No fair! I only had two cards left" Sonic yelled

Tails grabbed Cake's hand and said "Okay guys, i have to gave Cake her flying lessons now!" Tails dragged Cake to his training room

"You even have a training room!?" Cake expressed looking around "You'll fight with Shadow!" Tails muttered which stunned Cake "HIM!? ISNT HE THE STRONGEST THING ALIVE? PLUS HE HATES YOU, HOW DID YOU GET HIM TO AGREE TO THIS??" Cake yelled making Tails jump

"First we can try with flying!" Tails said hovering into the air "Cmon!" Tails also said

Cake propelled her tails and soon levitates in the air with Tails. "Lets see how many ring you can get out of 10!" Tails said zooming over to the first ring "Start here!"

Cake flew though all 10 rings perfectly.

When Cake was about to land, she crashed into one of the steel walls

Amys pov:

I was drinking my tea until i heard a loud thud, "You guys heard that?" Blaze asked "It sounds like it came from Tails' lab!" I acknowledged "Welp, time to see what happened now" Sonic said speeding away

When i made it to Tails' lab, i saw Cake's whole arm in a spike,(lots of blood everywhere btw)

I gasped as Sonic and Tails slowly got Cake's arm out of the spike, and took her to the mini medical room in their house

Cakes pov:

I woke up in some sort of medical room?

I saw my bomb cat worried infront of me. I hugged her and she fell asleep next to me in the hospital bed

Amy opened the door "Hey Cake are you okay-" Amy stopped herself when she saw my cat laying next to me "Yea, im fine!" I said petting my cat
"Well I'll leave you alone now" Amy said closing the door

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, i ran out of ideas

Like last time, if you have any recommendations, add them here

Word count: 743

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