Chapter 27: A Normal Day For Two Different Foxes

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Narrators pov:

Your not so average fox yawned as he woke up in his bed with a wrench on it. He hummed as he got out his bed waking up someone oh the other side "Good morning Kit!" Tails said as he walked over to his bedroom door "Morning,"

Tails walked down to the first floor as he made his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and spotted some pancakes to make for everyone, he pulled out a pan as he placed one of the many pancakes on it "At this point we should just go out for breakfast." He mumbled

Sliats pov:

I yawned as i woke up in my bed "Another terrible sleep." I grumbled as i looked at the other two beds in the room

Our room was much nicer than other experiment's rooms, each room was a mini house. A bedroom, living room if you were lucky, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Ours was bigger with better beds, mine was light yellow, Koti's is a sage green, and Pixo's is a pastel purple

I was about to get get and make breakfast there was an announcement, "Sliat, Koti, and Pixo please report to the office."

"Did you guys do anything!?" Pixo asked in fear as her ears slightly lowered "No," I said

"Maybe its just our allowance.." Koti said as she got out of her bed as the others did aswell

Narrators pov:

Sliat and Koti grabbed their color coded keycards as Pixo used hers to open the door

The three both walked down the long hallways greeting anyone else that was walking down the halls aswell

Im not completing this chapter

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