Chapter 26: filler 😭

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Narrators pov:

Shadow groaned as he walked back towards the coldly feeling of the G.U.N tower 'it was so much better when it was shut down' he thought as he walked through the automatic doors

"Good morning, Mr. Shadow." The lady said in a strong but tired voice "Moring," he yawned as the lady slowly typed his name in. "What brings you here this early?" She asked "Another mission like the usual."

"Good morning, Shade." The lady said as Shadow nodded and walked towards the elevator


"I thought you would chaos control," the Commander complained "Its too early for that." Shadow said

"Why am i here?" Shadow asked standing with his arms crossed "Well, Jewel had reported a new mission opportunity" 'that bat.' "But one of your little rivals are joining." Shadow scoffed "And how would he work with us? I know in a million years, he'll never work for this tower." Shadow said "its only one mission that he'll work with us, plus im pretty sure you could get him to join" the Commander said

"Is there any other idiots working with us?" Shadow asked "Actually.. yes," Shadow groaned "Who then?" "Miles."

"Not that fox." Shadow said "Why are they doing a mission with us anyway?" "Its a pretty big mission, Miles could hack computers and get a map of the base. Sonic would.. uh... he could be an exra pair of legs," The Commander explained "Makes sense"

"Anyway, the mission starts this weekend, make sure Sonic joins. You're dismissed" the Commander said as Shadow sped out the door 'thank choas its Thursday'

"Now i have to convince him." Shadow groaned as he ran over to a fimiliar bat laying around

"Did he tell you about the mission,  handsome?" Rouge asked as Shadow nodded "And I have to convince him." Rouge giggled "The second you mention Tails is in on the mission, he'll say yes faster than he could run," Rouge said as she started giggling "Good advice.. thanks bisexual!" Shadow said running off before Rouge could reply


"Sonic." Shadow said as he startled the other "Gah! Dont need to creep up on me!" Sonic yelled quickly shutting his book "Whats that?" Shadow questioned as he pointed to the book as Sonic covered the title 'Whatever.' He thought

"This might be out of the blue but, i need you to go on a mission with me." "What?" Sonic said

"You have to come on the mission with me." Shadow said keeping his explanation short "Will it just be us?" "No. Rouge and your fox friend will join" Shadow said "Howd he agree!?" Sonic yelled under his breath, genuinely confused on if he was forced or not

"Whats the mission?" Sonic asked "I dont have time for this, just say your in for not!" Shadow yelled "Fine fine. Im in on one condition.. you'll go for dinner with me" Shadow hesitanted for a second

'Its just a pals dinner, nothing fancy or romantic.' Shadow mentally face palmed before coldly answering "Whatever."

"Im in then, cya Shadz!" Sonic said before taking off "Whatever, faker."

~-----°-----~ •◇♡◇• ~-----°-----~

Fun fact: you'll never know what sonic was reading 😌

Word count: 526

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