Chapter 22: Shockwave + A Walk With Kit

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Narrators pov:

Pixo and Koti was back in the underground base as someone came out the shadows

"Its time." The voice said as you could see a green glow from a dark hallway

"Ms. Sally." The two bowed. "Get up Koti. You know what you have to do." She said shoving three chaos emeralds in her hands "Yes ma'am."

Koti looked at the emeralds as she hesitanted "Remember what you have to do! Manipulate the chaos energy or chaos knows what the consequences will be!" Pixo wispered to the cat next to her as the other sighed

The cat placed the emeralds around her as she closed her eyes and slightly held her arms out.
The emeralds started to glow as the cat's fur became lighter

The emeralds started to float as she levitated

Soon enough, a giant white wave shock though the whole base into the city where the heros lived

"Looks like the training helped, its just that the chaos emeralds relocated.." Sally mumbled the last part as she went to turn of the lights. "Go check on Sliat" she commanded as Koti fell to her knees

"On it!" Pixo slauted running into a hallway


"WHAT WAS THAT." The triplets except for Sonic came running down the stairs

"Its some sort of wave. The effects of it will probably kick in like maybe a couple days from now" Tails shrugged on the couch "Your not going to do anything about it?" Sonia asked "Workin' on it," Tails slumped off the couch running to his lab dragging Kit along


"Sliat." Pixo shook the fox awake "What? Where am i? Why am i not with Eggman!" Sliat started to freak out as Koti ran in.

"Guys! We're off the job for the rest of the week!" Koti said jumping up and down "Lets go to the park!" She continued taking Sliat's hand

"Ugh! Its too earlyyy." Sliat groaned

"Whatever. Oh! I also found this bakery in the city!"


The three walked down a sidewalk as they spotted a small pink store

"Amilla Bakery?" Pixo pointed out as Sliat laughed "What a dumb name-" "Oo! A mall!" Koti cut Sliat off as they heard a loud thud

"Looks like im having some fun."

The Pixtiat team came running to the battlefield before the heros could

"Oh ho! New competitors? This will be easy! Attack!" Eggman yelled as his robots came running from anywhere as the three got ready

Pixo used her wings to fly high in the sky and use her bow to shoot any flying bots

Koti used her mind control to turn bots against each other as she yawned with ease

And for Sliat, she used her sharp claws to tear bots apart as the hundreds of bots were finished in 30 minutes

The team yawned "Anything else?" "Actually.. I do!" He said pressing a button revealing another wave of bots

"Again!?" The team sighed in sync
"Yes again!" Eggman laughed

Still Narrators pov:

Tails yawned as he stretched in my lab chair "I think we should take a break" Kit suggested "Good idea! How about a walk around the city?" Tails added "Isnt Eggman attacking right now?" Tails got up from his lab chair "Yea but the others will handle that," he continued "How about the boardwalk?" "Great idea" Kit jumped from his seat

Tails grabbed the lab keys off his desk as he walked out of the rounded door while Kit followed not too far behind him

Tails grabbed the lab keys off his desk as he walked out of the rounded door while Kit followed not too far behind him

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Kit walked onto the sidewalk as Tails locked the door and ran up to him

Since Eggman was attacking, less people were on the sidewalks and it was easier to travel. They did meet some fimiliar faces along the way aswell

The two-tailed fox spotted a lemur sitting of a bench with a fox

"Hey Tangle and Whisper!" Tails said running ahead of Kit as he soon catched up "Oh! Hey Tails and.." "Kit," Tails talked for the other as Kit hid behind him

"How are you guys?" Tangle continued "Oh, im good-" Tails got cut off by the sound of a bus coming. "Thats our stop, cmon Whisper!" She said holding hands with the other as she waved to Tails while he waved back


The two finally made it to the board walk as they walked on the wooden bridge "Theres a beach near here, we shold vist sometime!" Tails mentioned as Kit nodded

As the two continued walking, they stopped at a outside restaurant

"Oo! Look over there," Kit said as he pointed to it "Great eye!" Tails smiled

The two ran over to it as Tails opened his mouth "Hmm, ill take a chili dog! What about you Kit?" He asked "Ill take a chili dog too," Kit mumbled "Make that two chili dogs!" "Coming right up!" The voice said

"Wait.. Dave the intern? I haven't seen you in years!" Tails said "Oh, well i dont have time for chatting right now.." He said as he went to the back and shortly brings out two chili dogs "5 rings," he depressingly said as tails handed him the money "Thanks!" He said as the two left the area

After the two finished eating, they decided to vist some on the shops around


Its been almost 2 hours as the two has visited every shop there.
A yawn could be heard from the kitsume as the other laughed

"I think thats a sign we should get going," Tails said after he finally calmed down "Yea," the other mumbled

Tails got up and held his hand out for Kit "Hold on!" He said as he spun is tails, soon levitating off the ground


Tails used the extra key he had to open the door to Sonic's house. As the door opened, Kit ran in

The two soon made it up to Tails' room as Tails took the bed while Kit slept on the mattress "Goodnight," the fox yawned


~-----°-----~ •◇♡◇• ~-----°-----~

Woo! Im finally done phew. Anyways, the next chapter would prob be about blazeamy since all the other chapters are about sonadow 😭

Word count: 1016

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