Chapter 2: Awkward encounter

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Sonics pov:

I woke up around 6 AM to start my daily run, tails was already awake, well kinda

"Good morning tails!" ... "tails?" Like expected he was sleeping on the couch.
I put a blanket on tails and rushed out the door

I sped to the lake where i always visit, but this time i saw something. It looked like.. "SHADOW!?"

The black hedgehog looked at me then chaos controlled away

Luckily i knew where he went.
I dashed off and soon made it to G.U.N.

*time skip*

Spoil alert he wasn't there

I ran off to shadow's house.. and 'accidentally' jumped through his window.

"FAKER! WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE" he said while choking me. As i cutely gasped for air ( jk ) he let me go "Sorry, you scared me" "Its fine!" I said while catching air 'i wanted to scream at him and i should've' i thought.

It was silent for a moment until shadow broke it "So- uh" ... "why are you in my house?" I noticed a faint blush on him but i brushed it off "I really dont know!" I said "Then get out." "No" i said while i sat on the ground. He sighed and went to his room


*about 30 minutes later*

'did he seriously leave?'

I got up decided to leave.. well i would IF I WASN'T SNOWED IN

"oh come on" i whispered. I heard shadow coming back "hey shadz!" "Why are you still here?" He said "well we're snowed in" i said ... "oh."

"Hold my hand." ... "i dont have all day, theres no food here so you either hold my hand or starve." He said. I hesitated but soon got up and held his hand. He chaos controlled

We teleported back to the house where tails greeted me "thanks shad- he already teleported away."

"Cmon tails im gonna make lunch!" I said "Ooh i am hungry!" Tails responded

*time skip bc im lazy*

I yawned as my alarm went off. I turned it off and looked at the time 'its 12pm, two hours until they come!' I jumped out of bed and got ready in 30 minutes

I heard a knock on my door an hour early, i answered it to see shadow with a basket of snacks

"Hey shadz, come in!" When he walked in, he placed the basket and sat on the couch.


"Hey sonic!" Tails yelled from his lab "Yea?" I yelled back "i need you to come down asap!" As expected i dashed though the house. Shadow was startled and it was funny to see (lol)

"What do you need?" I said "well i need you to try out my new invention! Istill donthaveanameforthembut-" "hey slow down a bit!" I said "oh sorry! Anyway, they can turn what you say into its actual meaning!" Tails said (That definitely wasn't a reference to sonic boom)

"Why would you need to use that?" I questioned "Well it could be used for lie dectors, and for fun!" Tails responded "I'll turn it on now!" Tails also said as he pressed the power button. The machine made a boop sound and turned on its digital eyes??

"I never knew it had eyes!"

"I never knew it had eyes" the robot responded


"This thing sucks" said the robot

"Hey!" Tails yelled while turning off the robot "sorry buddy, but i dont see a purpose in this" i said "ugh whatever" tails said sarcastically. I laughed while leaving the lab

I was about to sit on the couch with shadow, until someone knocked on the door

I ran to the door and opened it to see rouge, kunkles, amy, blaze, and silver.
It looked like they all came together since they live on the same block. They all had bags with all their clothes in them

"Come on in!" I said happily

They all greeted me and went to unpack


After eveyone was here.. well they were still unpacking, it was only me and shadow since tails was talking to cream

~~i need to stop with so many time skips~~

I was sitting on the bed in our room while shadow was trying to get as far away from me as possible

"Your trying that hard to stay away from me?" I said "Yea you've been trying to annoy me all day of course i would avoid you." Shadow responded

I was surprised he actually talked to me

Well it only lasted for a second then he went back to scrolling on his phone (i wouldn't blame him lol)

I rolled my eyes and laid on the bed" Soo.. how are you?" I said as shadow sighed and finally responded "good, how about you?" I was happy he responded.
I zoned out for a second until he spoke "so are you gonna respond orr-" "GOOD! Yes im good!" I yelled.
He looked at me with a weird expression then went back to his phone

I yawned, took the blanket and coverd the blanket on myself as i slowly drifted off to sleep

Shadows pov:

Aboutly twenty minutes after sonic feel asleep, i yawned and turned off my phone

I got up from the chair in his room (i have no idea why he has a chair in his room) i walked over to the bed and laid down on it. I was laying on the farthest side of the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep

A/N: im so sorry this part took so long to come out ill try to get the next part done by the end of next week, anygays cya!

Word count: 938

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