Chapter 10: Sally?

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(this part was before amy got sick)

Cakes pov:

I woke up in the room Sonic gave me because SOMEONE was knocking SO loud on the door

I groaned, slipped out of bed and walked downstairs.
I opened the door and yelled "What do you wa-" I cut myself off looking at the angry ginger-haired mobain infront of me
"What took you so long!" She yelled "Wait.. Sally?.. Sonic's ex?" I asked "Who else would I be idiot!" She yelled "Why are you even here?" I growled "Why else would i be here? That pink rat took my Sonic!" "Hes-" "Shush! Ill find a way for Sonic to love me!'' i huffed at her stupidity "Im coming my sonikuu!" She yelled running into the house

(i am so sorry Sally fans)

I cringed at the nickname and followed her inside

"Gah!" I saw Sally hugging Sonic tightly
"My Sonic! l've finally found you!!" She said hugging him tighter "Let him go! You're hurting him!" I heard the fimiliar voice of Tails 'Wait.. Tails looks different..' i thought
Sally quickly let go of Sonic "You almost killed me!" Sonic yelled gasping for air "Killed who!?" Shadow yelled running down towards the stairs. He stopped at the top of the stairs realizing who it was "Sally.." Tails said "I thought you were dead! Y-You vowled to never come back.. you c-cheated on h-him! Y-You a-abused him!!" Tails yelled 'i knew Sonic broke up with her, but i never knew she abused him.. that part wasnt on the news.' i thought.
'im pretty sure shadow heard of her too'

"What a monster like you doing here!" Blaze yelled with the others behind her
"Why do you think im here? To win Sonic back from that pink rat!" Sally said "Amy?" Shadow asked "Sonic isnt dating Amy-" Rouge cut herself off ''You know what? ill come back with something that will make Sonic love me forever!" she said running away and laughing
"I dont like the sound of that" I said "Me too.." Tails said hiding a smile

'hes smiling?'

I thought about Tails smiling 'hes been doing that alot..'

Sallys pov:

"I need another potion." I said "Another!? I made you one 2 days ago!" She yelled "I SAID I NEED ONE NOW." I demanded "No-" "Sliat." The two-tailed yellow fox stumbled back at me calling her name "Fine.." She said before gliding into the back of her lab

"Here. And you better pay me," Sliat said giving me a glass bottle with a black liquid in it "Finally," i said rolling my eyes while leaving

Rouge pov:

I zoned out until i realized Sally was walking out the cave.
I snapped back into reality, and jumped into a bush

'I knew that wasn't Tails!' I thought 'Sliat? Isnt that Tails name backwards.. i need more info on this' I thought before flapping my wings and zooming off


I made it back to the house and flew to the door of Tails lab.
'Im pretty sure the password is 1993?' I thought. After i pressed enter, the doors opened.
I walked inside seeing Tails on his computer, "Hey fox boy," I said making him jump "Hey Rouge!" Tails said turning around and using his arm to minimize the tab.
"Have you had any fail experiments? Pacificly you being cloned?" I asked "Yes, ive cloned an opposite of me. Their gender was swapped, and our names. She got away about a month ago, im still looking for her." He answered "Why?" "I may have spotted her in a cave about a mile or three east from the chao garden giving Sally some black thing in a glass bottle." I said.

I saw Tails eyes sightly widen before running to his computer.
"I know exactly what the is," he said loading a bookmarked tab "Its a highly dangerous drink, a sip could put you in the hospital, too much can kill you in a second." He continued "Shes planning on killing Amy?! Doesn't Amy already have so much on her hands?" I asked "You imbecile, she doesn't know." I gasped lowly, "We have to make sure she gets nowhere near us, and catch that faker.." Tails continued "Before you go, take this and somehow get it on Sliat" "Do i get anything in return?" I asked "A chaos emerald." Tails sighed


Narrators pov:

'Sliat? Looks like i have my own investigating to do.' Vector thought


"We should play another game!" Cake suggested "What game?" Tails asked "How about 'What's in your phone'?" Rouge asked "What game is that?" Sonic said "Its a game where you gat a piece of paper and you get points of how many things you have in your phone, heres an example!" Rouge answered

"We should play another game!" Cake suggested "What game?" Tails asked "How about 'What's in your phone'?" Rouge asked "What game is that?" Sonic said "Its a game where you gat a piece of paper and you get points of how many things you have in you...

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"That sounds fun," Blaze said, "Lets try it!" "Ill set a timer!" Cake exclaimed

A/N: I forgot to post this lol

Word count: 826

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