Chapter 23: Frienenemies to Rivals

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Narrators pov:

The blue hedgehog yawned as he woke up next to a tree seeing a fimiliar face

"Hey Shadz!" He said sitting up to look at the hedgehog laying back onto the tree as one of the other's eyes open
"Dont call me that, Faker." Shadow said coldly

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Sonic sighed walking up to him and elbowing his arm

"Dont touch me." Shadow said pushing Sonic off him as he fell to the grassy ground. "Ouch," he mumbled

"What happened to you?" Sonic said as his ears lowered a bit as he stood back up walking to the other

"What do you mean. Ive always been like this." Shadow said with a confused look on his face
"I knew that shockwave had a purpose.." Sonic said as he got closer to Shadow, examining his eyes

Shadow hesitanted as his face turned a light pink "G.. get away for me! And what shockwave?!" He demanded for answers

"You dont remember? That big white flash," Sonic explained. "No." Shadow put his guard down

"I dont have time for you." Shadow said as he pulled a emerald out his quils "Hey!" The other jumped on his as soon as he teleported

"Get off me!" The other pushed him off as they were deeper in the forest "You're as clingy as that stupid fox" he continued.

"Dont talk about Tails like that!" Sonic yelled "I'll talk about them as much as i want, especially that pink rat." Shadow ignored the other "I get what your saying but.. wait, leave my friends out of this!" Sonic yelled louder

"Oh! and that stupid red thing without ears- hey!" Shadow yelled as Sonic jumped on him

"Are you deaf? Leave them out of this?!" Sonic yelled as Shadow got a little scared but kept it down.
He pinned Sonic to a tree "And what if i dont? You cant do nothing about it." He spat with a smirk of his muzzle

"Oh! Ill do something about it!" Sonic said getting up after Shadow let him go, causing him to fall
"Again, i dont have time for this." Shadow pulled the emerald into the sky

"Im not letting you get away!" Sonic jumped on Shadow again right before he teleported to the other side of the forest

The two forze, looking eachother in the eyes blushing as Sonic had landed in Shadow's arms

"Ugh!" Sonic groaned as Shadow dropped him "What the hell!?" Shadow yelled at the other

Sonic looked up to Shadow looking at his red face "Ooo, is Shadow the ultimate lifeform blushing" he teased as he stood up as the only reaction was a punch in the face

"Should've saw that coming." He mumbled rubbing his face "if your using all this chaos energy to teleport yourself away from me, why dont you just take us home?" Sonic questioned as Shadow laid back on a tree

"I dont really feel like it," Sonic groaned in frustration

"Then we'll be here for another day! Do you want that?!" He yelled "No, but i dont wanna" he said as the other face-palmed

"You so uncooperative i dont know how Rouge does this." Sonic sighed as Shadow's ears perked up "Hey!" Shadow said as he pinned the other to a tree again (for some reason he likes this move 🤔)

"Dont bring Rouge in this!" He growled "Hey, hey! Im just havin' fun. Plus, you mentioned my friends" Sonic said as he got closer to his counterpart's face

"Fun? Whats the fun of that!?" He growled "A lot, i mean i could give you a hundred different ways!" Sonic said as he soon started rambling about things that could barely be understood

"Oh my chaos, shut up!" Shadow yelled but Sonic continued
"Shut up!" He yelled louder, he still didn't stop. "What do i have to do to make you stop!?" Shadow yelled as ideas came to his mind

He then launched at the other pushing his shoulders back more into the tree
"Cant they go one day without fighting?!" They both heard someone mumble but ignored it

Sonic continued as it really got on Shadow's nerve "Why cant you shut up!?" He yelled louder than before as his face was red with anger

'How can i make this idiot shut up!?' Shadow thought as another idea popped in his mind

Shadow grabbed Sonic's shoulders bringing them closer to him. Sonic's eyes widened as they were inches away from eachother now with their noses touching

As Shadow got closer, Sonics face got redder

"OW!" Sonic yelled getting punched to the ground "You thought." Shadow laughed as he heard something in the bushes
Sonic's ears flicked aswell as they both looked at the bush

"Chaos spear," Shadow wispered throwing a spear at the bush with no response

The two slowly approached the bush as they both looked over "Nothing theraAAAH" Sonic yelled as the two fell in a ditch due to a stroke gust of wind as they slid down a hill

"Ow!" Sonic said as he rubbed his arm which had a giant scrape

"You always have to get hurt dont you?" Shadow said as they ignored the pose they were both in who had Sonic laying above Shadow

As Shadow slipped from undet the other, Sonic took a look at the cliff which had a beautiful view

Sonic got up and walked over to the cliff, right on edge as he looked as he looked at how far the drop is that was about 100 feet

"Hey Shadz!" He said getting the other's attention "What?" Sonic then walked backwards making him disappear in a second

"This hedgehog." Shadow mumbled as he took out the same chaos emerald as before

Shadow teleported to the bottom of the cliff with his arms out catching the azure hedgehog, "Aww, Shadz you do care!" Sonic squealed as the other scoffed "Get out my arms."

"Cant you take up homee??" Sonic objected

"Whatever." Shadow said as he teleported the two

"Happy?" He asked as they were both in Sonic's living room (all the other were busy except for Kit and Tails)

"There you are!" Tails yelled as he ran up to his brother "Hey bud!" Sonic said as he messed with the others bangs

"Quick question, did you see that big white flash?" Tails asked "Yea, why?" Sonic asked "Well i guess Shadow's acting weird towards you too." Tails pointed at the other who ignored them

"What do you mean by 'weird'?" Sonic asked "Has he been colder to you?" Tails said as his head tilted to the side a little

"Yea.." "Thats what im talking about. The same is happening with Blaze, and Amy isnt happy.." Tails voice trailed off "You dont look in the best condition either.." "Yup," Sonic said examining his arms

~-----°-----~ •◇♡◇• ~-----°-----~


Word count: 1150

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