Chapter 25: Hedgehog Hunt 2/?, Tangle

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Sonics pov:

"Shoot! Hide!" I whispered to Shadow as his ears slightly lowered from how close my mouth was to his ear. I pushed us both in a small bush

"I know you're there!" Sliat could be heard a few feet from us "Sliat, lets just get out of here," Pixo suggested as Koti nodded behind her

"Whatever." The fox said as she spinned her thin tails as Pixo grabbed Koti's hand as she blush "Ugh." Sliat groaned in jealousy

Pixo flapped her wings as the Pixotiat team flew off

"Thats highly suspicious." Shadow said as he popped his head out of the bush as i crawled out "I know right?" "Right!" The both of us jumped as we saw Silver "Oops," He said as he started to run away "Get him!" I yelled as we both got up, running after him

Narrators pov:

The hedgehogs ran after Silver "Get back here!" "No!" Silver yelled as used telekinesis on Sonic, pushing him into a tree "Ow!" Sonic yelped "Get up faker." Shadow commanded as he followed (things you do for love huh?)

"What do you want?!" Silver yelled out of breath "We need to talk to you!" "No!" Silver started running again

"Not so fast!" A lemur flew down from a tree, taking a strong grip of Silver "Tangle! Oh im glad to see you!" Sonic said as he took a breath

"Howd you know about us chasing Silver." Shadow asked "Well, i was eating an apple out of a tree until i spotted three mobains looking for you both," Tangle's grip tightened as Silver tried using his telekinesis to pry her tail open. "So i followed you guys from the trees." Tangle finished "Understandable,"

"Hey Tangle, can you help us find the others, and get Silver home?" Sonic asked as she simply nodded


"Andd.. thats good!" Tails said as he secured the metal door in a chamber Silver was kept in "So did anything else happen?"

"Well.. we saw Sliat with two other girls," Sonic said as Tails quickly turned around to him

"The tracker.." he mumbled as Tails quickly pulled out the Miles Electric
"So it does work." Tails said as he looked at a dot in a forest "Continue searching for the others, ill get me, Amy, Cake, and Rouge to search for Sliat and her team." Tails said "Go get Knuckles to help you guys aswell,"

"On it!" Sonic said as he speeded out the lab while Tangle followed "Shadow,"

"What?" He coldly responded "I need you to get in there too," Tails said as Shadow rolled his eyes, "Whatever."


"Guys," Tail said as he knocked on the girl's room "Yea?" Rouge opened the door "We have a mission that includes all of us" Tails explained as he gave Rouge the Miles Electric

"Whats the mission?" Cake asked as Rouge invited Tails in "Well," (i swear i need to stop making tails say well) "Sonic has told me about Sliat and some other people had been near an area, it might have thier secret base" Tails explained

"We wont be able to do this alone," Rouge said "Your right.. does anyone have any ideas?" Tails asked

"Well, I could ask it as a G.U.N mission. If i do, im pretty sure we'll get the exra help we need." Rouge said as she flapped her wings and sat in the air "Solid idea," Amy said "But.. only you and Shadow work at G.U.N, how would we exactly help?" Tails asked

"We all know that Sonic has a thing for Shadow. With a little pleading and holding Tails at gunpoint, we could make it work," Rouge said as Tails audibly gasped

"Woah! Woah! I-i was already gonna help, no need to point a gun at me now!" Tails expressed waving his hands infront on his face


Rouge scoffed as she walked towards the front doors of a large and tall building "Before we go in, i have some heads up." Rouge said as Tails ears perked up, listening attentively

"First, whatever you do, dont. piss off. the commander." Rouge said in a earnest tone as Tails nodded slowly in concern

"And second, follow my lead no matter how stupid and dumb it sounds." Rouge said as Tails nodded again

Rouge walked though the automatic doors as Tails hurriedly followed

"Good evening, Ms. Rouge." The lady at the front desk said it a strong but welcoming voice "Who's with you today?"

"He's a new recruit just for a mission." Rouge responded as the lady typed into the computer "Miles." She continued

"Good evening, Flight." The lady said as Tails slightly turned his head before answering "Good.. evening" he said as Rouge dragged them towards one of the four elevators

"Flight?" Tails asked as Rouge pressed the button for floor 5

"Thats your co-name" Rouge rolled her eyes while saying "oh"

A ding could be heard as the doors soon opened after that. It revealed a mobain that bowed "Good evening Jewel." He said as he walked into the elevator and the doors shortly closed

The elevator made another ding noise as the doors opened once again.
Rouge dragged Tails down the halls as he looked around.

The hallways were long and only consisted of five large rooms with large windows and name tags on them. The only ones Tails could read was Omega, Rouge and Shadow.

At the end of the hallway had another room that Rouge knocked on "Come in." A strong voice said as Rouge slightly hesitantly pushed the doors opened

"Good evening." Rouge bowed as Tails did the same

"My favorite agent, what brings you here." The person at the desk said "I have found an secret base in a forest near here." "And why are you telling me this." The Commander interrupted Rouge as she rolled her eyes

"I have a strong suspicion that this base has something to do with the current events happening." Rouge finally finished as she handed him a map as the Commander hummed, gesturing for Rouge to continue

"I've also found two recruiters for this one mission" Rouge continued "Flight."

"Where's the other?" The Commander asked "Hes full right now, im sure you'll meet him tomorrow." Rouge said as the Commander nodded

"If you dont have anything else to say, you're dismissed." The Commander said after a few seconds as the others left

The two walked down the long hallway as they finally reached the elevator and made it out of the tall tower

"Geez" Rouge mumbled as she grabbed Tails and and flapped her wings while soon levitating into the sky "I can fly yknow" Tails said

"Fly then." Rouge said letting him go "Not like that!"

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Omg im finally done 😭 three more drafts to go

Word count: 1128

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