Chapter 3: A new friend?

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Shadows pov: (i am so sorry you have to read this)

I woke up to snoring.. sonics snoring. He was sleeping in my chest fur.

I froze for a minute then i tried to get out of his grip, but his grip on me got tighter
I gave up, somehow grabbed my phone and scrolled on it while i was still in sonics grip

About ten minutes later sonic woke up to my sighs and screamed

Sonics pov:

I woke up to sighs and my face was buried in something fluffy. I pulled my face and looked up to see shadow "OH CRAP! IM SO SORRY!" I yelled while falling off the bed

I thought he was gonna kill me but he laughed then pulled out a hand to help me up
After he helped me up my face was redder than a tomato (if thats even possible)


I was on my daily run thinking about what happened until i bumped into someone
"Oh! Im so sorry- AAAH"

It was a mobain ive never seen before, she was a cat but with two tails?

It was a mobain ive never seen before, she was a cat but with two tails?

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(Art by me lol)

'She has extendable arms attached to her head with paws at the end, and she also has a bomb on her belt attached to her waist'

"Wait are you sonic? The famous hero?" The two-tailed pink cat said "Yeah, i am! Whats your name?" I asked "oh im Cake, Cake the cat!" Cake said "Well do you wanna be friends?" I asked "I'll love to!" She replied happily
"Actually we have a slumber partly happening for the whole month of Christmas! If you want to come, my number is written on this paper" i said while dashing away

Cakes pov:

I was stunned because no one invited me to a slumber party before especially one from the famous hero himself!
(no she isnt a fangirl 😭)

I put the number in my contacts and flew to my house to start packing

Sonics pov:

'Phew! Im finally here!' I thought as i walked over to the lake and sat next to it.
I was looking at the beautiful waterfall until my phone buzzed
It was a unknown number but i knew exactly who it was. I immediately added them to the group chat


Sonic added cake

Shadow: whos that

Tails: yeah, who is that?

Sonic: its a friend i met earlier, meet cake!

Cake: hello everyone!

Amy: hi!

Rouge: hello dear!

Manic: hello.

Sonia: hello!

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