Chapter 17: Maria Robotnik

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Its been a week and things are getting better, apparently Charmy was captured aswell so the group of 4 became the squad. The 5 also started to turst Dami, and Sonic has gotten out of the hospital and Shadow had became his takecareer but only for a week

Narrators pov:

"Thank chaos im off my shift for some days" Maria said changing into her blue dress

Since she was kidnapped back in the ark, she still stayed 12 but she turned 14 not too long ago. Since shes also a minor, she doesn't work all day (20 hours a week on mobius) se she was free for the rest of the week

"I need to find him." She said leaving the tower

She looked around in mobius city looking at the many different buildings

"Do you know where Shadow lives?" She asked a purple cat who looked sad maybe even crying a bit ago
"Oh! *sniff* Shadow? Well hes at Sonic's house right now" She answered kepping her head low walking away

What Maria didnt know is that no one would give her directions to any of the squad's houses for legal reasons

'Hmm, Sonic? It that his girlfriend or boyfriend? Eh, Shadow doesn't like romance or relationships' Maria thought as she skipped away and hummed a tune

Maria was also turned into a mobain since the Commander couldn't revive her body

Maria was now walking down the street when a bakery chaught her eye "Amy's Pastries" she was going to visit if it wasnt closed 'maybe next time' she sighed

Its been a minute and she found a street named "Sonics st? Isnt that the one girls name? Well doesnt hurt to try!" She said to herself brfore skipping down the road

It was a neighborhood with houses that had names infront of it 'Amy.. Blaze.. Rouge.. Silver... Sonic! There it is!" She was about to cross the street until she was dragged by a blue blur taking her in the middle of thousands of people

Marias pov:

"Hoho! How about these robots!" An fat man on a flying saucer said pressing some kind of button

I looked around and saw the purple cat using fire to hit the robots, a period pad earless cat with long hair and knuckles was hitting the robots while that same blue blur was in a ball hitting the robots, there was a bleached bat with purple wings hitting the flying robots, a bleached cat with long hair in a ponytail and two hairs out was using some teal bubble to help throw the blue blurry thing in the air, and finally a hedgehog that looked exactly like Shadow was fighting

I didnt believe it was Shadow because i saw another one just like him i think it was melifenes or something along the lines of that

I stopped investigating when i saw a robot coming at me

Thankfully i knew how to defend myself since i was one of the 7 mobians with chaos energy?

"Chaos spear!" I yelled throwing a spear at it as the 6, that fat man looking at me and all the people in the crowd gasped

That bleached cat put me in one of those bubbles "Who are you?! And why do you have chaos energy?" It said "First tell me who are YOU?" I yelled back in the same mood as the thing got angry

"Calm down Silver," the blue blur said "So thats what the bleached cat is?" "BLEACHED CAT?!" I think his name was Silver said shaking me in the bubble "Wait, i dont think they know our names" The Shadow lookalike said holding Silvers shoulder

"Boys be nice and introduce yourselves" Rouge said as Shadow got away from Silver and leaned on a tree

'That copycat reminds me alot of Shadow..' i thought

"Hello, my names Rouge!" She said shaking my hand, "The names Silver," he groaned shaking my hand "Knuckles" he said curshing my hand "ow!" I expressed blowing on it, "The names Sonic! The famous mobain hero!" He said shaking my hand, "How about you helping us defeat Eggman?" He asked pointing to the fatty "Sure!" I answered bowing

Into the battle i sensed a robot in the sky coming for me. I quickly chaos controlled to the other side of the field
I saw that Shadow copy looking at me surprised

As we finished, Sonic hit the fat man into the horizon "Ill get you next time you rats!" Eggman said flying away

"Can you teleport us back to the house?" Rouge wispered but for some reason i still could hear it

In a flash i was in Sonics house. It was pretty big it had to stories- yada yada yada you've already heard all this yada

"So since MOST of us told you our names, how about yours and a little backstory?" Sonic asked taking some sips of tea while the Shadow copy was gulping down a bottle of water "Wait Sonic? Shadow's girlfriend?" I asked

Sonic and copy both spat out their drinks "WHAT?" They both yelled in sync with their faces red as the others laughed

"Yea, Shadow's girlfriend, a purple cat told me that Shadow was at Sonic's house so i assumed their dating and prob making out" i said make Sonic spit more of his tea out "Did i say something wrong?" I added "No! Wait yes no ye-no, wait!" Sonic said putting his tea down and shaking his head "First of all, im not a girl. Second, thats Shadow, my rival" he continued pointing to that copy "Thats the actual Shadow? I saw someone exactly like that" i said making Sonic spit out his tea AGAIN "M-MEPHILES?!" Everyone except Silver said in sync

"HE ISNT DEAD!?" Sonic coughed "Uhh about that.." Silver said fiddling with his fingers "Dont tell me." Sonic said looking at Silver with a shocked fangirl-ing face "Yes, but i swear he change-" "YESSSSS" Silver was interrupted with Rouge squealing

"Uh hi Maria is supposed to be finding Shadow right no-"


Yaya Yaya yaya yayay yaya yaya yaya yayay ayay yayay ayay yaya (this is crashing my wattpad)

Word count (excluding me spamming): 1020

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