Chapter 16: Back To Square One

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Narrators pov:

"Y-yes ma'am!" Dami said bowing "Now get out my face." Sliat demanded

The Commander was the strongest person in G.U.N until Sliat took over. Shadow, Rouge, and Omega found out and tried to put a stop to it but they were threatened to be fired and killed if they said anything

Dami ran down the slient metal halls that you could even hear him running
"3.. 4... 5!" He said slowing down and dashing into the room

"Oh no this is bad!" Cua said running back and forth "Whats wrong with him?" Dami asked panting "Tails has been put into a short coma and will wake up in a but, but if he isnt checked every few hours, he can die!" Cua explained, "We need to get these kids out of here somehow! Im pretty sure Sliat will kill them in a few weeks.." She added "How would we do that?" Dami asked "So thats what they're up to." The girl with blonde hair and a blue headband named Maria said

"The Commander and Sliat will be overjoyed when they hear this! Maybe they'll even give me my brother back!"

By now Cake and Amy had woken up in a different room. The last room had gray metal walls with a computer while this one has grass with very light blue walls, a blue metal door with a hatch on the bottom of it, a litter box, a rug, a toy attached to the wall, a large water bowl, and a food bowl with cat food in it

 The last room had gray metal walls with a computer while this one has grass with very light blue walls, a blue metal door with a hatch on the bottom of it, a litter box, a rug, a toy attached to the wall, a large water bowl, and a food bowl with ...

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"Do they think we're cats!?" Cake yelled "Well.." "Not like that! We're mobains, humans combined with animals. Not fully animals!" Cake said

A yawn could be heard from the kitsume laying on the carpet

"Tails!" Amy ran up to hug him "What happened?" Tails asked "Its a long story, but we need to get out of here!" Amy said


"So this is the place?" Silver asked with Shadow in his telekinesis bubble "Theres the tower" Rouge said holding Silver as she flew "Wait.. cant Shadow chaos control us to them?" Silver asked "No, we need atleast two chaos emeralds to do that." Shadow answered

"Not gonna lie, this food is good" Tails said with his mouth full
"Im not eating that." Cake said rolling her eyes "I would even take veggies" She added


The blue metal door opened showing a soldier

Amy summoned her hammer backing up while Tails flew up to the ceiling ready for an air attack

"Im not here to scare or hurt you. Im Dami, you have to come with me" he said holding out his hand to Cake's nose
"Im a cat but not that much of a cat" she said slapping his hand away

"Cmon yall need a bath, you stink" Cua said grabbing the kitsume's arm and pulling him out the cell

The three walked infront of the two soldiers making sure they didnt run away.
Sometimes you would be able to look in some of the other cells and see some mobains chained to a wall, being tested on, some playing with the others in there, and maybe dead. Each cell did look different

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