Chapter 18: Search History + Makeout?

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Narrators pov:

"Ugh what happed yesterday.." Amy groaned rubbing her forehead
"I dont remember a thing" Charmy said trying to carefully get Cream of of him

The only two awake tried to recall what happened


There was yelling, maybe even shooting that could be heard from the cell door "DONT SHOOT ME I HAVE A FAMILY PLEASE" A Dami could be heard from the outside. We then heard running, "Follow him, NOW!" The Commander yelled following his men into the intersection

"This is our only chance to escape!" Tails said picklocking the door with Amy's quil.
Tails was struggling to pick the lock. "Try moving the quil more!" Cream suggested

Tails then took the recommendation,
"Yes! Cmon lets go this might be our only chance" Tails said grabbing Cream and running with her

"Howd you know that?" Amy asked "I do a little pick locking in my free time!" She answered with a bright smile on her face and pointed to one of the pockets in her dress with a bunch of different things you could use to picklock

"Wait." Cake stopped the rest behind her as she saw a soldier in the intersection.
She pulled off her bomb and threw it

"Whats thATAAAA" The soldier said before blowing up

"The coast is clear!" Tails said running into the intersection area.
Everyone started to fell weak after they entered. Amy became weaker in the arms, And the other three can't fly.

"Ugh, i feel weaker" Amy said flinging her hands around "All of us do, just keep running" Cake said pulling her so she can keep up with the rest

They reached a fire exit "If we exited from there, a alarm would go off." Tails said stopping Charmy from opening it.
"The second this door opens, we need to run." Cake said as she pushed the door open

Cake grabbed Amy as Tails grabbed Charmy since he couldn't fly high


They've been flying for 5 hours, about 100 miles. Cream stopped flying and was using Cake's big paws to hold onto her

"THE CITY!" Tails said as he stopped flying and slowly glid down to the pavement


"So thats what happened" Cake said yawning as the two others woke up

They've been sleeping in a allyway for a bit more than a day

"Tails ears perked up when he heard the sound of Eggman's evil laughter
"THATS EGGMAN!" Tails yelled running as the other four had to follow him.
The Kitsume pushed past different mobains and jumped on Sonic while hugging him tightly

Sonic quickly turned around and started to tear up when he saw his brother, alive and intact.
"TAILS! THANK CHAOS YOUR OKAY" Sonic yelled crouching down to hug him tighter

"But we're not." The other 3 came pushing past the crowd. Cake had many scars on her aswell as her being pale from blood lost, Amy who had her quils dyed red due to blood and many scars on her, Cream has a few cuts on her and was tramatized, and Charmy went back to Vector

"Lets get you four cleaned up" Rouge said leaning on Sonics shoulder

*time skip*

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