Chapter 9: Amy's Sick Day

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Amys pov:

I woke up being bombarded with hugs, my eyes quickly looked over to Tails at the door smiling

'Why's he smiling? Does he have anything to do with it? No Amy, you cant just jump to conclusions'

I was snapped out of my thoughts when i realized he was staring back at me, "Tails do you know how any of this happened?" Blaze asked "No, well not exactly.." Tails said, "Amy, what was the last thing you ate?" "A chili dog.. i think" i answered "Well thats nothing out of the ordinary," Tails said "looks like ill have to run some tests.."

Sonics pov:

"And where are we going?" Shadow asked "Back to the house" i answered in a calm but concerning tone "Why do you sound like that?" "Like what?" i asked hurriedly "You know what im talking about." Shadow answered "Amy got poisoned with something, and im very worried about her," I confessed "Oh." Shadow mumbled

I unlocked the front door quickly, and ran to to medical room

Tails pov:

'This is all my fault..' i thought as i opened a article 'Okay it says here that the potion should bring out the person's feelings, and the cons say .. they might like their past crushes?' I thought 'isnt Amy's past crush Sonic? Wait.. so that means-'
"Hey bud!" Sonic said snapping me out my thoughts, "Hey Sonic," i answered quickly but casually closing the tab

"Did you find out what its about?" Sonic asked "Sonic." I said ignoring the question "I dont know what it is, and i need you and Blaze to stay away from Amy for a bit" i said "What about-" "No questions Sonic." I said cutting him off

"I know just the right person to blame this on..."


A/n: hi im back! Dont ask were i went uhh i have no ideas at all lol

Word count: 321

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