Chapter 15: A Nice Time

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Commanders pov:

"Give them now and no one gets hurt!" I yelled pointing a gun at Vector "Whoa-ho! You dont need to do that now, you can have them!" Vector said holding his hands up

"Take them now and go." I continued as the other soldiers put them into cages

'They wont know i added a tracker to them..' Vector thought laughing to himself

Narrators pov:

Sonic was laying in his hospital bed, bored until a hedgehog broke in

"..Control!" Shadow said appearing infront of the azure hedgehog, "Cmon," He said holding his hand out "Why?" Sonic asked "Im taking you out- .. not like that." He frowned looking at Sonic whos laughing, "Ugh." He groaned clawing Sonic's arm and teleporting

"Ow!" Sonic expressed after Shadow let him go, "Where are we?" "A spot where i usually hangout. Now dont push yourself too hard, i dont wanna be banned from visiting you." Shadow answered

It was a giant tree with the leaves giving nice lighting with a few flowers around it. There was also a small building that looked like a café, "Whats that?" Sonic asked pointing to the building "Thats a café-" Shadow was soon cut off by shooting and heavy footsteps

Sonic's ears soon turned behind from him towards the sound. Unlike Shadow, Sonic didnt know what the sound was
"Cmon, hide!" Shadow whispered dragging Sonic in a small, cramped cave.

The cave could only fit a mobain, so you can guess thay were very close to each other

"Lets take a stop here and shoot them with another tranquilizer. One is already awake" The Commander said "But sir, this fox one looks very unhealthy, i dont think we should shoot him again-" "Are you disobeying me?" The Commander cut him off, "Dami. You wouldn't want to get fired right? No one would find you here. Plus Cua would heal it." The Commander continued "Yes sir.."

Shadow realized how much of a sensitive topic that was for Sonic, especially when three of his friends were kidnapped from them

"Lets keep moving." The Commander demanded

The two stayed in the cave for another few minutes to make sure they left

"Hey guys!" Silver greeted scarring the other two.
"Need some help?" He asked "The only help we need is finding out how you found us." Shadow answered trying to get out the cave.

Silver took it as a yes and helped them

Shadow dusted himself off while Sonic shook himself like a dog

"This place is pretty cool" Silver said using is telekinesis to take a apple off the tree and taking a bite into it "Want one?" He asked muffled,
"Yea, the food in the hospital sucks" Sonic answered not catching the apple, "Shadow?" Sonic asked.
"I dont need it but sure," He answered catching the apple then dropping it

"Oo! Look a lake!" Silver said jumping into it, "Ill pass." Sonic said taking the last bit of his apple as Shadow came up behind him

"Woops!" Shadow expressed 'accidentally' pushing Sonic in the water
"Ughh eww!" Sonic said walking out the water

"Woah! Is that a café?" Silver asked "Yea it is, should we eat there?" Sonic asked turning to Shadow "Whatever." Shadow answered rooling his eyes

The inside had more on a cottagecore feel with some plants hanging from the ceiling, and 3 tables and 2 booths and it was also a cat café! (kinda like Calico if you ever played it)

The inside had more on a cottagecore feel with some plants hanging from the ceiling, and 3 tables and 2 booths and it was also a cat café! (kinda like Calico if you ever played it)

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The manager was a cat with 5 tails, and her hair in two low ponytails, her hair was a pinkish brown. She had overalls and pink boots

"Hello! Im Esea! What would you like to orde- WAIT. ARE YOU SONIC SILVER AND SHADOW??" She yelled "Yea!" Sonic said scratching the back of his head "Well, would you like me to show you your seat?" Esea asked "Yes," Silver answered as she took them to a booth

We they got their seat, a black cat already jumped on Shadow, "I guees they like you" Sonic laughed as a ragdoll cat rubbed their head on Silver "Aww! Who is this cutie?" Silver said in a high-pitched baby voice wile petting them.
A russian blue cat jumped on Sonic's lap "Aww!" He expressed

"Looks like they like you," Esea said handing them menus as she waited with a clipboard

"Ooo! Ill take 2 chili dogs and a strawberry frappuccino!" Sonic said "Of course." Shadow said under his breath "Hey!" Sonic expressed. "Ill take a sandwich, and a latte!" Silver said "And ill take some coffee beans, and a parfait." Shadow said. "Coming right up!" She said walking away with the menus

There was two other tables occupied with one that looked similar to Sally who was giving us a dirty look before focusing back on her phone.

Shadow opened his communicator and started texting Rouge


Hey rouge

Oh! I see handsome is
trying to start convo now?

Have you found any
clue about those three

Yea, i was flying near some
forest and overheard a convo
with the Commander and
his men. I can give you the
location right now

No need, ill be there
in a hour.


"Heres your food," Esea said handing everyone their food off of a tray

"Thank you!" Sonic and Silver said as Shadow stayed quiet


After they ate, Silver went back to the house and Shadow teleported Sonic back to his hospital

"Thanks Shadz!" Sonic said looking at Shadow in his eyes, "I told you not to call me that-" Shadow was cut off by Sonic giving him a soft kiss

Shadow soon pulled away from him and covered his face as Sonic shyly laughed

'Im i really falling for him?'

We're at chapter 15 already?

Word count: 961

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