Chapter 7: Snowed in 2

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Sonics pov:

I woke up to silence, which wasnt normal in a house with 12 people in it

I looked to my side to see Shadow gone

I got up and opened the door to hear faint talking that came from Tails' training room. When i entered i saw everyone in there "Good morning Sonic!" Tails greeted me "So your telling me everyone has been in here the whole time?" I said in a grumpy tone "We've been here for like two hours." Shadow said
"Wait, wheres Cake?" Silver asked "He's in the medical room!" Amy answered
"Did anyone check up on her?" Tails asked "No" Shadow answered "Tails you could check up on them" I suggested
"Fine" Tails said flying away


A couple minutes later Tails came back with Cake

"Okay! Next time you won't crash into a spike.. anyway lets continue" Tails said, "Hmm.. Sonic and Shadow! You're up!" "WHAT. I DONT WANNA FIGHT HIM" I yelled "Well you do it all the time, you could do it now" Amy said "Fine." I said before stepping into the area with Shadow.
"Wait!" Tails yelled "What?" Shadow asked stand next to me in the doorway "Look up" Tails said attempting to hold in his laughter. I looked up to see a mistletoe above me and Shadow "You have to kiss!" Rouge said pulling out her phone again. I looked at them with a annoyed face until Shadow pulled me into a kiss, It lasted for about 3 seconds until Shadow zoomed off. I froze while hearing Rouge fangirl-ing, i shortly zoomed out of the training area into the living room


Its been 5 minutes since Shadow kissed me, and i looked like a tomato. 'Since im already here, why not look for Shadow' i thought, 'ill check our room first'

I walked into my room seeing Shadow sitting on the bed

"Soo.. about the kis-" "Drop it." Shadow said cutting me off, "Fine" i said sitting next to him pulling out a rainbow ring "What is that? Aren't rings supposed to be gold?" Shadow asked "Its a rare ring, most mobains use it to purpose" i answered "So your gonna marry someone?" Shadow asked "No.." i said "oh" i heard Shadow mumble
"Actually.. i do have someone in mind," i said "Who?" Shadow asked "Not telling" i answered "You win." Shadow said

"Do you have a chaos emerald?" I asked "No, why?" Shadow asked "I wanna go outside, Y'know we both randomly dissappear for like the rest of the day" i answered "and Im pretty sure this ring has enough chaos energy to teleport us somewhere" i said "Okay.. lets see" Shadow said taking the ring out my hand "Chaos controll?" ... "It didnt woraAaAA-"

Narrators pov:
*Tails' lab*

"Hey Tails!" Amy said "Hey," Tails said "Watcha working on?" Amy asked "A love potion" Tails answered "For who?" Rouge said gliding in startling Tails and Amy
"For Sonic," Tails answered "Matchmaking, why? It looks like they already love each other" Amy asked
"Just to spice things up.." Tails muttered "I mean- im just helping him with his feelings, like they say.. what are friends for.."

To be continued..

Sorry for the short chapter.. anygays, im back!

Word count: 540

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