Chapter 19: "Kit!"

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Narrators pov:

The two hedgehogs put what happened yesterday behind them and were sitting in Sonics room

Sonic was hanging upside-down on a exercise bar that Tails made him to drain energy when he couldn't go outside while Shadow was on his phone.
"Im boredd!" Sonic yelled pulling a child dog out of his quils

"Go take a shower, theres no way you dont have chili in your quils." Shadow said putting his hands in Sonics quils

"Hey!" Sonic yelped foring Shadows hand out his quills.
"See," Shadow said holding his hand infront of Sonics face

"Go take a shower." He added taking a napkin out of his quils "But i dont wannaa" Sonic cried. "Faker, im serious. Shower." Shadow said

"Make me." Sonic said demanding for a challenge as he got closer to Shadow, barely inches apart.
"Bet." Shadow said acepting the challenge

"Breakfast is read-" Tails cut himself off staring at the two who looked like they were doing something more than just teasing

"I-... oh- sorry!" Tails said quickly slamming the door as you can hear him running downstairs

Tails pov:

I came running downstairs into the kitchen putting Sonic's and Shadow's plate on the kitchen counter as i sat on the only open seat in the living room

Everyone was talking at the same time over lapping. Amy was talking to Blaze about her bakery, Rouge was bragging about how many gems she has "Rouge shut your traphole before half of your gems go missing" I chuckled at that
Aleena Manic and Sonia was talking about i quite really didnt understand what they were talking about.
And the others were in a circle laughing and making the most noise

'Should i tell them.. they need to know about the letter.' I thought zoning out as i remembered what the letter said


Dear my twin, Tails.

Im writing this letter to tell you good news! Well.. bad news for you but im out of jail! Your little fat enemy helped me escape for the price of joining him. You better watch out.



"Mobius to Tails!" Sonic yelled finally getting my attention
"Finally now i can continue" Sonic said about to start talking as i zoomed out running into my room

"Dont tell me i lost it!" I cried as Sonic ran into my room
"Bud, are you okay?" He asked "Not really, i had a very important note that i lost" i said scrambling everywhere

"Well i got some good and bad news.." Sonic said walking backwards toward my bedroom door

"Just tell me the bad news so i could get it over with," I said looking under my mattress

Sonics pov:

"Well. Cream had to leave, her mom said it was too dangerous to keep her in this house." Tails ears lowered sightly

"BUT! I brought a friend! Come inn!" I said opening the door revealing Kit

"Tails!" The kitsume said making the foxes ears perk up "Kit!" Tails said turning around and running up to him pulling him in a tight hug

"I missed you!" Tails said pulling away from the hug as this tails wagged

"Ill let you too be!" I expressed walking out the door

Narrators pov:

"Ugh!" The twin fox groaned being chained up to a wall
"I wish i spent the rest if time in jail." Sliat continued

"Medicine time! Sally told me to give you this daily for some reason" Eggman said holding a liquid in a glass bottle
"N-no! Thats doesn't help you defeat them! It just holds back my powers," Sliat yelled

"Okay.. i guess ill just keep track on you for some time" Eggman said falling for it and walking out the door

'Yes! Now that im finally in control, i have to gain his trust then help that team' Sliat thought trying to get the metal bar on her waist looser


It was a weekend so Amy had to go on her shift, but Eggman attacked early

"Look whos the fastest thing alive now!" Eggman said as Sonic was held down my someone who looked like Tails

"TAILS! LET ME GO!" He struggled to get out of the foes grip
"Thats not Tails!" Rouge yelled as Knuckles got the fox off him, "Then who would it be?!" Sonic yelled finally getting up to his feet

"Its a long story but shes working for Eggman!" Rouge yelled from the sky
"She?" Sonic muttered "Well if its not Tails-" "Sonic wait!" The other fox yelled
"What are you, another fake Tails?" Sonic yawned, stopping his spin-dash

"That thing is like a clone but twin to me! We're connected, so if you hurt her then there would be a 15% chance i would fell the pain too!" Tails yelled running up to Sonic, panting
"Thats a low but high chance.. i guess i cant hurt her." Sonic rolled his eyes while Tails winked at Sliat

'I know she isnt evil, something must be going on' Tails snapped out of his thoughts when Sliat jumped on him

"Tails!" Sonic yelled as Tails sneakily put a tracker on Sliat

"Cmon fox, we have other things to do." Eggman retreated while Sliat followed him

Heres a filler chapter for now

Word count: 876

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