Chapter 13: Kidnapped

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Cakes pov:

I woke up with blurry vision
It took me about a minute for my vision to settle in

I looked around to find out i was in some sort of lab?
There were chains on our arms attached to a wall.
I saw Tails laying next to me awake

"W-where are we?" Tails asked, his voice still shakey
"I don't know but we have to find a way out, do you have the Miles Electric on you?" I asked "Yea, it should be in my shoe-" Tails cut himself off looking at the beyond repair device in his hands

"W-what happened t-to it? It w-was fine yesterday!" Tails expressed with tears forming in his eyes

"Shh!" I quickly whispered

Tails looked at me with a confused expression while i turned my ears backwards from myself locating what sounded like footsteps

As the footsteps got louder, Tails ears finally turned towards the sound of footsteps too

"Quick! Act like your still knocked out!" I said as the door opened

It sounded like a gun loading, as heavy footsteps came towards us

It soon turned on a radio
"Ms. Sliat, they aren't awake yet."

"Ugh! Check back in a hour, as soon as their awake, take them to me and ill finish them," the person on the other side said

"Wait, what was our plan again?" The soldier asked

"You imbecile! The plan was to kill the weak ones that means a lot to the team, so we can weaken them. As soon as their all gone, we join forces with Eggman and Shadow, then take over the world!" The idiot answered

'Wow, if your gonna discuss a plan, atleast do it somewhere private.' I thought

"Now if you ask again, you'll die before them!" The bossy idiot said

"Yes ma'am!" The soldier said before storming off

Since the numbers for the password were different sounds i (which as pretty stupid) i studied them

'5.. 4.. 6.. 4.. 5. Wow, terrible passcode.'

As soon as i heard the door close, i opened my eyes

"Tails, stay behind me." I said as i de-attached the bell bomb on my belt

"What are you doing!? Are you gonna kill us?!" Tails expressed trying his best to get as far away as possible

I didnt answer him, i just looked at my bell, thinking. I mean he has a lot to live for, hes 8 half a decade younger than me. He still has a lot to live for, me too.

Eh its not like its gonna kill him

I put my arm infront of Tails, protecting him as much as possible. I threw the pin off with my teeth, and put it about 6 inches from me
I turned my side were i would take less impact and covered my face with my extra arm
(dont use this for survival i dont know what im typing)

The bomb exploded, the walls had a barely visible scratch on it, since my bomb was low-powered (for legal reasons) i wouldn't be surprised it didnt make a dent

Tails was unharmed (except for trama) unlike me, i had a scar on my arm lots on blood gushing from my arm and a piece of flesh showing on my side
If i didnt mention bloody

I used my socks as bandages, I heard Tails gasp as i turned to him

"We need to get out of here now, we only have 58 minutes." I said as i broke my hands out of the weaken chains as Tails did the same

I looked to my side to see a computer

I tried to stand up nearly falling down thankfully i had two tails keeping me balanced

We walked over to the computer which was expectedly locked

"Pretty sure if we get one thing wrong alarms will go off," Tails said "do you have any idea what the code would be?"

I thought for a second "I do have a hunch" i answered
"What if you get it wrong?!" Tails said panicked "Okay then, find some way out as i try the code" i said as Tails flew around the room

'Hmm, ill try the code i heard earlier' i thought

'5.. 4... 6.... 4..... 5.' I thought hesitantly pressing enter.
A loading screen came on until i was in

"Yes! Im in!" I said loudly

Tails soon flew over to me looking at the computer

Narrators pov:

"Its been a day and Sonic is still in his bed while Shadow somehow went out of his way to comfort him! We need to do something!" Blaze demanded "You cant blame him, if Amy and Silver disappeared on the spot, you would act the same too." Rouge added, "She has a point," Sonia added "Where's everyone else?" Silver asked "Well Knuckles and Cream are taking care of Amy, and Shadow is comforting Sonic, maybe making out and stuff," Rouge said mumbling the last part "And Manic and Aleena is shopping." Rouge also added

"Ill go check on Amy," Blaze said getting up from the couch and walking upstairs

"Looks like its us three." Sonia said "Yep, but we need a plan," Silver said "Hmm, oh! I got one but its more of a prank. Since Sonics bed is pretty high, whilst i distract them you-" Rouge stopped talking and wispered instead

"Plan? Rouge asked "Plan!"

~~~~~~~~~                 ~                ~~~~~~~~~

Another chapter down, a lot more to go! 😅 took a bit of a break too 😭
And yes i did change the storys name

Word count: 922

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