Chapter 12: Eggman Attacks

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Sonics pov:

I yawned as i sat up from the bed.
I looked to my side to see Shadow sleeping

"Stop looking at me" He said in a deeper voice then usual
I turned my head away from him and opened the blinds
'AHH ITS THE DEVIL HES BACK oh its the blinds' Shadow thought

There was a knock on my door a few seconds before Tails walked in
"Cream had to get picked up early" he said in a tired voice, "Oh yea, i made you pancakes and Shadow his hot water with coffee beans" Tails cleared his voice before saying

"Doesn't Eggman attack today?" I asked "Yea, but hes so predictable its painful" Shadow answered


Narrators pov:

*sonic, shadow, tails, kunkles, and cake stands in the battlefield which is the middle of town where everyone is recording*

"Hohoho! This time i have something better!" Eggman laughed
"Get on with it Egghead, we'll defeat you!" Sonic cut him off as his usual cocky self, "Okay then, eat this!" Eggman said looking at Knuckles and Tails who gave them a wink

The usual robots came from all corners trapping the team in a battle circle

Sonic lunged at the first robot, "Hah, easy!" He said as Shadow threw a choas spear at him, "Lookout next time" Shadow said while Sonic rolled his eyes in response

Sonic and Shadow spin-dashed most of the robots while Amy, Knuckles and Cake finished them off, but Tails did nothing

"You got past the first stage, but you wont get past this!" Eggman said calling out a giant robot

The robot looked like metal sonic but slightly modified, and grey but it also look transparent and googy like Chaos

Eggman gave everyone a wink except for Sonic and Shadow as they nodded back

"Somethings up.." Someone in the crowd said "Yea.." Someone else in the crowd replied

Tails scooted close to Sonic and Shadow as the robot knocked the three over

Sonic fell on top of Shadow both looking into each other's eyes with a clear face of shock and red blush on their faces and ears while Tails propelled this tails to keep himself from falling

Kinda like this :P

The rest of the team gave each other mental high-fives before going back to fighting(Amy also snapped a pic XD)

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The rest of the team gave each other mental high-fives before going back to fighting
(Amy also snapped a pic XD)

The two stayed in place for a min trying to process what happened.
It took a click of someone's camera for them to snap back into reality

Shadow quickly realized how bad of a situation they were in before kicking Sonic off of him.
Shadow gave Sonic a look that said 'im sorry i have to do this,' before yelling "WHAT THE HELL FAKER?!" He said lunging at Sonic

The others and Eggman grinded their teeth realizing how much of a bed idea that was

Sonic and Shadow was fighting for several minutes before Sonic knocked him on the ground, "Y'know, i dont have time for this right now, ill beat Eggman then settle this later" Sonic said "Behind you" Shadow scoffed before saying "Shoot," Sonic said lowly before running to the other side of the battlefield dodging the attack

Amy used her Pinko-pinko hammer to launch Eggman

"Ugh! Ill get you next time!" Eggman yelled getting flinged off into the horizon

"Easy!" Sonic expressed dusting his gloved-hands off

"Sonic.. we shold go now, everyone's looking at you weird.." Tails stated
"Yea.. lets go." Shadow added


"Y'know what you boys did back there was pretty gay," Rouge said facing Sonic and Shadow
"How do you know what happened?!" Sonic and Shadow said in sync
"Its better if i showed you" Rouge said turning on the tv that was already on mobius news

"Today on Mobius news, Sonic our famous hero we all know and love was fighting Eggman with his team, Shadow, and some weird cat with two tails?" The reporter said taking a breath on air "Everything was going well until Sonic, Shadow, and Tails fell over on each other. Tails managed to get back up but Sonic and Shadow landed on each other forzen." The reporter took another pause with a cilp of Sonic falling on Shadow replaying over and over

"This has spread all around Twitter, and even on Amy Rose's official Twitter account has a picture posted of the incident on her page" The reporter added showing a screenshot of Amy's Twitter

"We will now take a few adds, this is reporter 5, stating back to the station"

"I knew Rose had to do something with this!" Shadow growled, "The rest of the team probably had something to do with it too!" He added "Hey hey! Lets not jump to conclusions especially about Tails!" Sonic yelled "Boys! Lets not start any fights! Im sure we can solve this out peacefully-" Shadow growled while Rouge cut herself off

"You boys better prepare for Eggman's second attack, its 2:59" just as Rouge said, everyone could hear Eggmans manic laughter

The team from earlier dashed to the scene


*present time*

It was usual attacks for abaout 30 minutes. "GO NOW!" Eggman yelled throwing everyone off

A medium-sized robot appeared out of nowhere and took Tails  and Cake out of the sky

"Ow!" The two-tailed mobains expressed as they were tightly grabbed by giant metal claws

"TAILS! CAKE!" Sonic yelled

The two-tailed mobains were thrown into a glass box that had some kind of gas in it that made them faint

"We need to get out of here, NOW!" Shadow yelled teleporting everyone back into the house

"What about Tails and Cake?!" Sonic yelled
"We'll save them later, it not like Eggman would kill them-" "What if he does!" Sonic said cutting Shadow off, "And Amy's still poisoned! How will we cure her!?" "Calm down,"

"Ill think of something.."

I finished this chapter in 3rd period 😭 anygays i hoped you enjoyed

Word count: 988

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