one: you coming?

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friday 6:00am


jungkook leaned to his phone and off the alarm, covering eyes with arms when the annoying light heated him, again laying with his back onto soft mattress. he hates waking up and always has a problem with it, not to mention how difficult it is for him to go through the whole day without yawning.

he lives alone in his college dormitory and he's so fine with it, always has a space, free restroom and silence-

suddenly started hearing loud moans and the sound of the bed hitting the wall, he opened eyes widely but immediately got what that meant. "fuck, can't even have a one night break of this" jungkook mumbled annoyed and whipped his tired eyes before standing up from the bed and making way to bathroom to take care of himself a little.

after about 30 minutes he was all ready to leave his dorm of course wearing typically black, oversize clothes. he doesn't like wearing other colours, it feels just not his style and annoying. simple black is just perfect for quiet and introverted person like jungkook.

he wore his big backpack before locking door behind himself and starting making way to knock to his best friend's dorm which is literally 5 steps away from his own. he hesitated to knock at first, clinching fist harshly and putting forehead against the door. sighing afterwards just to starts walking away.

suddenly he heard loud slamming the door and scream "bunny!".

jungkook turned around with lightly red ears and whispered smiley "hey, taehyung", his friend meanwhile wearing quickly a jacket throw himself with tight hug at jungkook and sweet kiss into right cheek following. the younger inhaled taes collagen while softly smiling "sorry I'm late, I was about to take you out first but jennie got me longer than I thought you know" taehyung chuckled with that beautiful boxy smile of his making jungkook look down.

when they met for the first time in the first grade of primary school jungkook of course was that kind of kid who stood behind everyone, not even trying to talk to somebody because it was useless with such a shyness behaviour like his but when taehyung as the only kid from about 30 said 'hi' to him, proposing reading book together he felt something.

his heart did a big boom, like something really warm was spreading around his whole tiny body, cheeks and as well ears turning red at seeing that taes smile for the first time. he fell in love immediately in him, his heart couldn't stop raising soon after everytime they met in high school and now that they went to college together.

he never wanted to feel that way to taehyung because first of all doesn't want to ruin their friendship but also it's impossible to them to be together. unfortunately for jungkook taehyung comes from a royal family, has so-called blue blood and he does not even grow up to his heels. he never grew up and yet is still jealous about him.

taehyung as an little act of rebellion likes to sleep with people, a lot. and because he is very popular, he has no problem with it because everyone wants him. even his stupid best friend who keeps his feelings towards him in secrets so many years.

imagining him every night with himself, hugging him close to his heart or kiss those pillowy lips until lack of the air would be needed helps him get through this because that what he would do with him. that's what jungkook only wants, he doesn't need anything more. just to never hear again about taes hook ups with random girls and be his...

"-jungkook?" taehyung asked with a smile at seeing all lost in thoughts jungkook who shook head and asked confused "what?", "I asked If you're going to wae's party tonight with me, It's gonna be so dope. I heard that the hottest girls are gonna be there" taehyung repeated with little smirk at the younger who rolled eyes playfully.

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