twelve: swimming pool

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2 hours passed from the moment when taehyung left jungkook alone with his family and when the younger finally was able to say that wants to rest in room for now and go to sleep between talks about plans for the future mostly pressing on topic about getting marriage he also finally left. it didn't annoy jungkook but was more shocked why they're suddenly so interested in it.

jungkook was now making way after quickly wearing more comfy clothes secretly to taes room to check on him what's he's doing and mostly how is he feeling, even tho Kim's family estate is more than huge jk doesn't have problems with finding rooms. he spent his whole childhood here, these things no one would forget...

when jungkook finally came to taes room he softly knocked to door, when he heard no response he slowly press the doorknob and go inside hearing music softly playing in the background but not yet his friend. "taehyung?" jungkook asked but still heard no response, he walked more further into the room and his eyes finally witnessed taehyung swimming in his private swimming pool.

jungkook blushed at the view of taehyung obviously only in swimming shorts, and tugged some of hair behind ear before repeating shyly "taehyung?". taehyung finally noticed prettily standing jungkook as always and slowly not really intentionally checked him out "what are you doing here?" he asked lowely, his voice sounds a bit tired and husky this time.

"I thought I should check on you, you left pretty early. we didn't have much time to talk" jungkook explained playing with palms a little not knowing what to do with himself as always, taehyung looked away "yeah why would I stay there? my father obviously didn't want me there so why the fuck would I be somewhere where nobody wants me" he said feeling like is about to all over again be mad.

"I wanted you to be there..." jungkook whispered making taehyung again look up at him with little smile now, of course he had to tease and use the situation "I thought you will stay with my sister for longer tonight, you seemed to get along well", jungkook rolled eyes "I like her but I don't know why she's suddenly so interested in me" he mumbled meanwhile looking down.

"well I know" taehyung said back "she always got a crush on you, she wants you clearly so", "but what If I want somebody else?" jungkook whispered now meeting taes eyes who bite lower lip "I don't know, It's not so clear what do you want honestly. sometimes it's hard to read it" taehyung said making the younger roll eyes again at the playful tone and sit down.

he sat on the edge of the pool, dipping feet carefully in the warm water "or maybe you aren't looking throughly enough?" jungkook whispered now crossing arms into some kind of protective or more needed hug because of feeling too hot under taes pinning, deeper than pacific ocean.

"yeah I pretty did, twice actually" taehyung smirked making jungkook blush madly, taes face in that whole flirty conversation wasn't also helping at all, fuck he's so handsome. "I'm not interested in her taehyung, no matter what your parents will say. I like lisa don't get me wrong, she's nice and I like to talk with her but" jungkook started, stopping for a second.

"but what?" taehyung asked in deep voice, jungkook chaw lower lip nervously "I wanted to spend time with you, not with her..." he whispered slowly meeting taes eyes who's lips formed into that beautiful smile of his. jungkook isn't surprised taehyung is called the most handsome man in the world, I mean look at him. he's a piece of art.

"I guess you have to be more clear in it" taehyung said meanwhile quickly looking down at jungkook before again looking into his big duo eyes once again, jungkook thought for some seconds but decided to slowly in clothes immerse himself in the water completely holding arms up with little shy smile "would you like to help me?".

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