sixteen: naked

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"so how was your day, babe?" bogum asked, walking hand in hand with jungkook who was escorting him to the hall where his basketball practice are gonna start soon "not bad, I actually enjoyed one of my classes with Mr Park so could be worse right?" jungkook giggle meanwhile looking down at their feet.

"seriously? I also got with him today and he's such a ass like, I can't stand when he's talking" bogum answered chuckling "why?" jungkook asked now looking up at him "he speaks in such a sleepy voice that it is really impossible to stand and listen to exactly what is he saying. I can't stand his classes and ugh I have about  3 hours tomorrow with him. fantastic" bogum said already annoyed at thinking about that teacher.

"you got this as always, don't worry" jungkook whispered making bogum smile and lean to kiss his cheek "for you, I'll try" he said against the soft skin, the younger smiled and shyly blushing whispered "come on, you gonna be late for practice".

bogum nodded and they speed up a little, when they finally came to the hall bogum opened door to jungkook and let him go in first. in the hall was obviously really loud, something what jungkook hates but at the same time didn't care as much as he used to do. everyone were cheering and screaming at players who included someone who jungkook didn't know will play today.

"go taehyung! faster, in the left! dodge, speed up! " basketball team coach screamed meanwhile taehyung as always was the best, all sweaty was bouncing the ball between the players as if it was the simplest thing everyone could do. the other players were looking at him in shock at his skills, and that was only a practice not even a match.

jungkook was starring at his every move, chawing lower lip at how handsome and hot taehyung is.

when taehyung once again shot the basket all of his team rushed at him with a tight hug "YES KIM! YOU ARE THE BEST!", "as always, taehyung the best. you all should learn from him!" their coach screamed at them patting taes back who smiled at him "good job, prince" the coach added proudly making taehyung bend with little smirk dancing onto his lips "thank you"

coach after finally noticing bogum who stand next to the stands screamed "bogum! now you go in! taehyung you can go and change, now they will work for some more" making taehyung nods and run to the exit door now also noticing jungkook next to bogum "hey, what's up?" taehyung asked simply, breathless as well in I could say hot way.

bogum saw of course how quickly taehyungs gaze went up and down at jungkook so went closer to him just wrap arms around his waist and rest chin against his shoulder "nothing, me and jungkook just had a date" bogum said making jungkook blush at the sudden action.

well, taehyung had a different reaction.

"cool, good thing you're now playing. hey jungkook, wanna go out now? I'm dying to drink some coffee" taehyung said, jungkook looked up at him with those big eyes and whispered "I'm not doing anything right now so" he stopped to look at bogum who's anger was growing inside with each second "I guess I can".

taehyung winked at bogum who breath out trying to somehow calm down and turned jungkook by his hips to face him "sure, but see you tomorrow then? I have presentation to do yet so I can't meet tonight but let's spend some time tomorrow" bogum said to jungkook who nodded softly "sounds good to me".

bogum leaned in and connected their lips into deeper than jungkook thought would be kiss, making sure that taehyung sees it who rolled eyes and grabbed jks wrist just to starts pulling him away "don't eat him tho".

bogum scuffed meanwhile looking at both of them walking away, wanting to say something back but heard "bogum! come here, right now!" these words from his couch made him turn around and run to him.

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