seventeen: all in my head

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1 month later

"-and I told her that I won't do that presentation again because it's useless in everyone's life" bogum said meanwhile holding tightly jks hand, making way to escort him to his dorm because honestly had nothing better to do before another basketball practice as a little training before a match in the future.

"you should've be more gentle by telling her this, you know that Mrs Min has a high ego and If you gonna be mean to her she won't be either" jungkook giggle, feeling how bogum was swaying their hands forward and backwards "yeah, maybe you're right a little" he said leaning to kiss jks red cheek quickly.

"but" bogum started again "you know that everyone hate her, right? yeah, besides you. she likes you and I still don't know at all why, maybe because you're so damn beautiful", "ohhh I'm touched" jungkook giggle now they're under his dorm doors standing in front of each other.

"wants to spend more time together, I still have 30 more minutes before my practice starts babe" bogum asked, pulling jungkook closer by his hip "like we did last friday after the exam" jungkook smiled at him softly, putting hand onto bogums who pulled him even closer until their noses met "I still remember the smell of your sweaty body onto me, fuck I'm turned on just at the thought of being inside of you again"

"I have some things to do yet tonight" jungkook whispered smiley "we can spend time together tomorrow, alright? I'm actually really tired today" he added now leaning to peck bogums nose quickly who smirked nodding before saying "okay, no problem. call me later then, rest now" leaning to kiss jks sweet lips afterwards who sigh at the contact.

"yep, I will" jungkook whispered after breaking the kiss making bogum smile and slowly walk away "bye byumgu" jungkook said "see you, babe" bogum said back before disappearing.

jungkook bite lower lip and unlocked the door to his dorm before entering there, shutting them close.

1 hour later

jungkook is sitting onto taes lap clothed in some comfy clothes as well as taehyung is, they're in jks dorm sitting onto his bed meanwhile some romantic movie is being played in the background.

both of them are making out passionately, taehyung is having his large hands onto jks slim waist helping him moving slowly forward and backwards meanwhile jungkook has his tangled into taes dark hair knowing that it's his kind of kink and simple running through hair palms brings him so much pleasure.

jungkook moaned highly against taes mouth who did the same, letting himself come into sweatpants but as well did jungkook being only in boxers and that big black oversize shirt of his, saliva is connecting their lower lips.

jungkook meanwhile receiving so much pleasure at coming more mentally this time, but as well taehyung, literally butterflies mixed with endorphins are running through his whole body, wrapped arms around taes neck just to hug him tightly for needed contact.

taehyung did the same, hugging jungkook by his middle resting lips against jks milky neck. both of them slowly coming down from their highs absolutely feeling gorgeous.

"just like a old times" taehyung whispered a bit teasingly after some seconds making jungkook pull away a little and with hands now onto taes sides of neck whisper "I'm still mad at you that you didn't tell me that we kissed for the first time before the wae's dare at the party" rubbing thumb's against the soft surface of taes skin.

"how many times I have to repeat, I didn't remember it! I swear!" taehyung chuckled tightening grip around jks waist who smiled "you weren't as much drunk as I did at least, fuck that's why I'm not drinking. I lose control so easily and go crazy", "hey, it was pretty romantic as much as I remember" taehyung said back pouting a bit making jungkook furrow.

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