five: wake up

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jungkook slowly opened eyes, sun immediately is blinding him by shining through the open window at his naked body. soft wind was blowing his black hair making the scene so pretty and delicate.

the younger whipped eyes tiredly, trying not to think about how much he hates waking up and  slowly started noticing what is happening. nice feeling running through his a bit sore body.

taehyung has arm over jks waist meanwhile having blurred face into his sensitive neck which was all in hickeys, honestly he never found a 'hickeys' as a something to be jealous about or hot but now he definitely changed the mind. the night was so perfect, even tho he waited so long to finally have a first time he would wait even longer because it was just gorgeous.

for jungkook it meant the world and the fact that taehyung kissed first and DID KISS him in the wardrobe at that stupid party just made it even better, he wasn't thinking he just let tae take control over everything and all his cares. everything was just perfect, because of being so close with each other taehyung and jungkook were able to give so much to each other. being one...

jungkook carefully leaned to not wake accidentally taehyung up and checked the time, sighing afterwards. "tae?" jungkook whispered, shaking the elders body gently "taehyung, please wake up" he repeated making the sleepy boy start slowly waking up.

taehyung yawned before pressing his lips against jks shoulder, kissing the skin softly and passionately. jungkook bite lower lip and at feeling that the elder is going with each kiss higher until reached his jaw, he run palms through his chocolate hair. "good morning" taehyung said lowely against jks jaw now pulling away to look into his eyes "morning. your tiger side is showing" jungkook whispered quietly.

"I'm always a tiger. how is your body feeling?" taehyung asked and grabbed jks naked ass gently "first time's always sucks", jungkook giggle before exhaling "not this time" with little light blush. taehyung wants or not has something what makes him always be shy and flustered, but it doesn't annoys him at all. even when they were like 9 jungkook was that way towards him and tae always thought it's completely adorable.

"yeah, sure. said always nice jungkook, aren't you tired of it sometimes?" taehyung chuckled bringing jungkook even closer to himself If that's possible, their naked bodies now pressed together without any space between "you can tell me always how you feel, you know that?" taehyung asked making jungkook bite lower lip "same to you".

"we are late for our first class already, we should probably get ready quickly to not waste any more" jungkook added already tired at the thought of doing anything else what makes this moment stop, he wants it to never end "I know, It's just so comfy in here. your bed is definitely better than mine that's unfair" taehyung mumbled, moving hand up and down onto jks lower back who couldn't stop smiling. he's such a gentleman

"you know, we have the same bed probably but whatever" jungkook chuckled making the elder roll eyes smirking "yeah probably, smartass" he said before standing up from the bed "but you're right, let's go. I have to rewrite one of the exams from the english because of skipping it accidentally" taehyung added now wearing a boxers, jungkook sat up covering himself a little with duvet shyly.

taehyung after wearing all of his clothes chuckled at the view of jungkook looking so adorable and innocent playing with his palms, tae walked closer to him making jk looked up "see? now we have nothing to hide from each other" taehyung said now leaning to kiss jks right cheek gently which became red immediately, the younger couldn't stop feeling how his heart is beating faster and faster.

"see you" taehyung said with a smile before leaving jungkook alone in his dorm to make a way to own and get ready for classes. jungkook while smiling like a fool throw himself back on the bed meanwhile covering face with his arms, feeling like he won life and is the happiest person alive.

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