fifteen: lost memories...

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taehyung sits in his desk alone, since jungkook is now sitting with bogum, bored with what's going on in his lectures actually, he hates listening to something that doesn't interest him but honestly what his professor is saying right now is on a whole another level.

he met with his friends and as well jungkook before the classes who tried to of coincidence avoid him as much as he can, not even glancing at him for a second what made taehyung be even more angry.

why his best friend avoids him so much suddenly? because what? has now a boyfriend? that's not a excuse. taehyung felt like a shit because he would never do something like this to jungkook even with his all hook ups he never avoided jungkook, he didn't even think for a second to somehow not talk to him in porpoise. that's the most important person for him, why would he?!

what If I hurt jungkook with my hook ups? maybe he likes me- taehyung thought to himself but quickly shook head no, he didn't care about it, he never did because- would tell me about it... taehyung couldn't stop thinking about what the fuck is happening between him and his dearest friend ever who he loves so much.

meanwhile starring at jungkooks back, suddenly taehyung felt weird feeling running through his whole body and an old forgotten memory just showed up in his head like a movie...

(jungkook's 18 birthday)

"fuck, I feel so weird" jungkook mumbled, being for the very first time drunk and anyone with eyes can already see that he has a really really weak head, taehyung got already 18 birthday party so didn't drink too much to keep jungkook somehow in control and not let him do anything stupid but also was pretty drunk.

well the difference which helps a lot in it is that taehyung had a huge party in that day and today was just the two of them, jungkook doesn't have any other friends besides taehyung so it's more like a sleepover honestly.

well that fact never was for taehyung weird, he loves spending time with jungkook and wants to as much as he can. only them both is just perfect.

"my head hurts" taehyung chuckled, they're in jks house alone, in his room sitting onto bed. "well my is spinning, like I'm a roller coaster I mean in, in sens you know I'm riding it and all. oh you understand me without words, I don't even tempt to say anything" jungkook tried to somehow explain his thoughts in drunk but it didn't go well.

"a rollercoaster? I I've been riding a horse for 5 hours today, I can compare this pain to this" taehyung said chuckling a little "fuck I hate when my dad is teaching me, always my mood getting worse afterwards" he sigh out, jungkook bite lower lip not thinking so much but his crush onto taehyung is definitely showing more clearly in drunk for his unluck or maybe luck?

"I have never ride a horse" jungkook said, exhaling afterwards at the tension slowly growing inside of his body which is on fire more and more with each second "I can teach you If you want to, you can come to my house tomorrow and we can ride bianca. she's nice to strangers and really calm so perfect for practicing. I'll make sure my dad won't be there, oh hell no" taehyung said simply.

jungkook bite lower lip and not thinking at all, like his drunk body took control over him, stand up and moved to sit for taes big surprise at his laps "you can teach me now If you want to, what do you think?" jungkook whispered prettily.

suddenly from a shy and quiet boy he turned into confident and sexy one, that's how the alcohol works on him and maybe that's why he shouldn't sometimes drink.

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