twenty: remember

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"when can I look? come on, it's been so long"

jungkook asked meanwhile walking with covered eyes by a green scarf all blind which taehyung wrapped around his head, walking behind with one hand onto his hip and the other one holding jks who had a tight grip onto taes. "you have to be more patient baby, we are almost there don't worry" taehyung said into his ear making him sigh.

"you know that I hate surprises and being patient..." jungkook mumbled, trying to not stumble or fall on the ground but since taehyung was near he always trusts him and give him all the control is needed because knows that he won't hurt him. he always knew that.

taehyung chuckled at how adorable jungkook is and leaned to kiss his cheek quickly, saying "I know, that's why It's so much fun for me. seeing you getting annoyed by it makes me proud of myself" and the younger is quick to sigh once again "stop teasing me" he whispered trying to act sad to make taehyung finally let him see anything but it didn't work of course.

"don't pout so much, we are here" taehyung chuckled finally stopping jungkook from walking who's smile immediately shows up "where, where, where" jungkook started asking even more impatient, just as soon jungkook get out of the car taehyung immediately covered his eyes so jungkook doesn't know at all where they are, might be or what taehyung planned.

"shhhhh, wait here" taehyung whispered into jks ear now letting go slowly off his hand who confused was standing straight, waiting for some moments to again hear taes voice all lost in thoughts. what that can be? maybe hmm a picnic? nah, probably the most romantic thing which I can't even imagine- maybe flaying in his private jet like we used to do as a kids with Anders?! I have to take that damn scarf off my eyes, I can't stand it anymore-

suddenly jks thoughts were cut off by feeling taes lips parting his own ever so slowly, connecting their red lips into wet but gentle kiss. jungkook felt how shivers run through his whole body and taes hands moving to his tiny waist just to squeeze it softly, now the only thing jungkook is thinking about is taking off taes jacket from himself because it's too hot in here. wherever they are.

"hm?" jungkook hummed shyly, blushing madly at the way it was the hottest kiss he ever got with taehyung even if it lasted about 10 seconds. "I don't know how about you but I got huge deja vu" taehyung whispered lowely a bit teasingly making jungkook blush even more "don't... embarrass me".

taehyung chuckled and gave a last quick kiss onto jks lips before starting taking off his scarf from jks eyes who when the light hit him smiled cutely, looking around quickly noticing that they're in the forest "It's so pretty in here, are we going on a walk?" jungkook asked already excited, eyes shining at the beautiful view.

"yeah, but first I wanted to show you something" taehyung said making jungkook title head to the side "come on" taehyung said, grabbing jks hand into his just to walk closer to one of the trees making jungkook even more confused trying to somehow think clearly about what taehyung means by all this.

"do you remember that moment when we spent an awful lot of time at my grandparents' old house when we were little?" taehyung asked and jungkook is quick to nods "is this their forest?! I didn't even recognise it, I forgot how beautiful it is here. oh right they gave the land to you, it's yours now I mean their house" he said again looking around while taehyung was starring at him with warm gaze.

"yes they gave it to me but do you remember that one day when my dad called my grandma to tell me how hopeless I am and that I didn't deserve a vacation and I have to go home soon? we were standing in the corridor and eavesdropping on their conversation" taehyung asked making jungkook look a bit surprised that doesn't remember that memory.

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