eighteen: the flashback

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(taehyung's 18 birthday)

jungkook is at taes big birthday party where definitely too much for him people were, he was walking around like a lost kid because doesn't know anybody. literally. taehyung has a lot of friends because is the most popular person in the high school but jungkook never was that type to also go and make new friends, well he stayed with taehyung only.

right now jungkook was looking for him because about 1 hour ago taehyung had to run and quickly check something but as we can see was probably lost in the action making jungkook look for him by himself which wasn't the easiest thing, going through drunk 'adults' as a 16 year old, shy guy isn't really the nicest thing jungkook experienced. well, one of the worst to be honest.

when he was about to give up and just leave the party for own good, at feeling how his hands were shaking from the stress, suddenly someone turned him around by his waist "sorry, took my long enough bunny but I'm all yours now" taehyung whispered with face close to jks because thought that won't hear him, jungkook in the other side was looking at his lips dying inside.

"I-I'll go taehyung, I don't know what to do with myself and I don't know anybody. they're making fun of me again..." jungkook mumbled now looking at how people were starring at him with a dumb smiles, it was very quiet but taehyung of course understood every jks word as always "what? no! please stay, I don't want you to leave. ignore them, they're just jealous about you I'm sure about it" taehyung said, caring jks sides who breath out trying not to look around these people too much to not feel even more uncomfortable.

"you know what? come on" taehyung said at noticing jks tensed behaviour and grabbed his hand into his just to smiley pull him on the dance floor "w-what are you doing?" jungkook whispered confused but let taehyung put his hands onto own shoulders, feeling how taes hands made a way to his waist afterwards. oh-

"just focus on me, only me bunny. they can watch how good time you have with me" taehyung said, winking as well before starting leading jks and his dance to the song in the background called "Shirt" by SHA. jungkook breath out never breaking the eye contact with taehyung who was doing the same, moving jks torso more with each second wanting him to relax and have fun.

jungkook blushed now looking down at taes lips, chawing own lower lip who didn't seem to notice it so much but nuzzled face into jks neck. "thank you for being always close when I need you, you mean everything and more to me even tho it maybe seems to you weird sometimes. even If my stupid 'friends' are making fun of your age that you're younger remember that you means to me the world and I would never let you go" taehyung whispered against jks soft skin who at feeling his hot breath against own neck couldn't stop himself and started panicking.

"are you okay?" taehyung asked at feeling how jks breath speed up suddenly "yeah yeah, I just need some time to you know- take a break from partying and these cool stuffs which I'm all the time doing. you know, chill out bro and whateva mate" jungkook said, trying to be cool as taes other friends but immediately felt embarrassed CHILL OUT BRO?!. taehyung chuckled "sure, come on bro" leaning to kiss jks right cheek as always before pulling him to his bedroom.

jungkook sigh and followed the elder wherever was pulling him all red and they quickly found themselves closed in taes fancy bedroom "here you go, bro. chill how much you need" taehyung teased chuckling as well making jungkook roll eyes "shut up... that was so weird of me, I'm so weird. forget it" sitting onto taes bed.

taehyung chuckled as well sitting next to him, saying afterwards now looking at the floor with kinda shy gaze "not as weird as my first time...", jungkook looked at him in shock "what?! you had your first time already?! when?!" he asked feeling how his heart started tearing apart but at the same time expected that to happen long time go. he tried to somehow prepare himself to hear these words.

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