seven: yours

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week later

jungkook was walking towards his dorm with bogum, the elder boy invited him about 2 days ago on a date to some new cafè in town. they spent a really nice time with each other and jungkook felt really comfortable talking with bogum who have to admit is really good looking, jungkook always knew that but now got more time to notice it.

well he never was on a date, he never even thought that someone would look at him as a attractive person or material to date, invite on a date. and bogum is really a nice guy, even could say his type. he's one of the greatest students on college, after taehyung of course, and that's why is so interesting. they can talk about everything because got a lot of in common.

"here we are" jungkook whispered softly when they finally came to his dorm "thank you for escorting me, it was a really nice meet- date" he added giggling a little, "no problem, my pleasure. also I got nothing to do anyway so escorting you gave me just a perfect opportunity to spend some more time together with you" bogum said now walking closer to jungkook who smiled at him shyly.

"yeah, I'm sure you have way better things to do than talking with me. I'm not so interesting" jungkook giggle a bit playfully but still doesn't know how to flirt back or anything, too fresh situation and everything happens so fast. "trust me, I don't. and If I would, I would stand here even longer" bogum said now putting hand onto jks waist who looked up at him with a blush.

bogum slowly leaned closer to jungkook and kissed his red lips softly who put hand onto his cheek, it felt so nice to jungkook who never have done such a things before. they kissed each other deeper with every second, bogum pushed his tongue into jks mouth who shyly was kissing him back relaxing at the way bogums hand was caring his side.

suddenly they heard a low voice of someone who jungkook can recognise immediately "jungkook?" taehyung asked standing in little shock, jungkook as fast as he can pulled away from bogum who licked lips now trying not to smile.

the younger immediately noticed tears running down onto taes cheeks and in what stan he was even tho was already dark.

"what are you doing here?" jungkook asked worriedly, he can guess why taehyung is looking that way and it breaks his heart to see him sad "I was looking for you, I didn't see you around all day and I wanted to spend some time with you" taehyung explained now trying to hold his new tears coming, adding now with death stare at bogum "alone"

jungkook chaws lower lip and looked at bogum who was already looking at him "oh I thought we gonna spend some more time together in yours now, watch a movie or something" bogum whispered with little smile, "I know and I'm sorry but you see what's happening, I can't..." jungkook said as nice as he can making bogum look down a bit upset.

"alright, see you tomorrow then. I'm gonna call you tonight" bogum said, leaning to kiss jks lips quickly before nodding at taehyung "see you, kim" before walking away. "see you" taehyung said and when bogum was far enough mumbled "asshole".

he grabbed jks hand and pulled him towards his dorm who blinked twice a little confused but let him.


jungkook is sitting onto taes lap with hands tangled in his hair meanwhile taehyung has wrapped arms around jks small waist, crying into his shoulder hardly trying to calm down somehow but couldn't.

hugging jungkook, feeling him close always made taehyung feel safe and calm down not knowing why actually. because of the smell? maybe, or maybe because jks body is just a perfect puzzle to taes. like his whole good memories from childhood, which is a really important part in his life, was a person.

your lips, mine lips | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now