nine: what's your name?

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chaeyoung screamed meanwhile riding taehyung hardly onto her bed, hands onto shoulders to support her moves up and down. both of them are completely naked. taehyung is looking at the ceiling a bit lost in thoughts, he was drunk and as well she is but that's not why they ended up in bed. you see, taehyung really wanted to fuck and chaeyoung took the opportunity immediately.

"look at me ahhh~" she moaned all needy like her life depends on it "fuck kiss me, I can't take it anymore!" she added and smashed her lips against taes who honestly a little pushed her away but kissed back, he was too drunk to even think properly.

suddenly the girl pulled away and moaned highly which meant one, she got the best orgasm in her whole life. taehyung came too finally but didn't enjoy it as he thought at first fuck I need a break from this shit "that was so good" she said on high now standing up from taehyung who quickly did the same and started wearing his clothes, losing balance easily.

"do you want to maybe stay a bit longer my prince?" chaeyoung said teasingly fixing herself a little still being naked, well she was too drunk to think about it now "I have to go, sorry. but see you tomorrow at college" taehyung answered meanwhile taking another sip of the beer before leaving chaeyoung dormitory all exhausted, looking like a lost kid.

he started searching for his keys to room but forgot that jimin is having an 'date' with yoongi right now in their dormitory so sigh annoyed and leaned onto wall behind, trying to think in drunk what he suppose to do right now with himself. it's about 2:00am so no one is awake to take care of him right now.

"jungkook" he breath out to himself, quickly making way to go to his best friend dorm to spend there the rest of the night. luckily jungkook forgot to lock his door as usually so taehyung slowly entered without any problem into his little apartment, closing door behind himself louder accidentally what made jungkook starts waking up.

"who is it?" jungkook asked all blind because taehyung didn't on the light in room and just immediately started walking towards jks bed, climbing himself there to be on the same level as the youngers body.

"shhhh it's me" taehyung said lowely now laying next to jungkook who all sleepy asked "what's wrong? something happened?" letting taehyung grab his arms to wrap them around his neck.

"no, bunny. don't worry about me, good night" taehyung said now grabbing jks one leg to put her onto own hip by his thigh, jungkook of course smelled his breath "are you drunk?" he asked quietly meanwhile running palms through taes hair slowly who almost started purring at his touch "please, let's talk tomorrow about this. I'm so sleepy, just be with me" tae said hugging jungkook tighter.

jungkook sigh whispering "I'm here" and hugged taehyung back, closing eyes to again fall asleep.


(beginning of primary school)

"okay kids, you have some free time right now. go and play with your older friends for some time before starting another lesson" the teacher said to all the kids who nodded all smiley, starting to immediately run around the whole class and play together in some games like tag, hide and seek etc being loud of course.

jungkook was standing in the corner of the classroom watching the rest of the kids having a blast and fun like never before as he fidgeted with his fingers and huge blush onto his cheeks, looking around the room for anyone adult to come to help him but unfortunately everyone were too busy talking with each other.

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